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ATR Veterinarian
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Everything posted by Iammoot

  1. Manatee? I think I have one of those laying around here, too..... YUP! Here ya go! http://www.manatees.net/manateeb.jpg
  2. This post needs more pandas. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cd/Panda_Cub_from_Wolong,_Sichuan,_China.JPG/225px-Panda_Cub_from_Wolong,_Sichuan,_China.JPG There, that's better!
  3. War set is awesome on a tauren. Horns! Horns everywhere!
  4. I consider myself Rebel's foil in that I counter his infallible logic with my fallible illogic.
  5. I don't like how our plan A is to get me killed. That didn't exactly pan out well for me in Firelands, either.
  6. resolution: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/380/373/03a.jpg How I feel: http://images.wikia.com/central/images/3/38/Okay_face.jpg
  7. Wanted to comment something along these lines. This sums it up nicely though. I swear I didn't tell anyone!
  8. Rebel's voice is so damn sexy..... I'm listening to it again just for that.
  9. Iammoot


    You are mistaken Ghost, http://wow.somepage.com/blue/6293820089-raf-and-monks
  10. If it makes you feel better, I am in no longer in a monogamous relationship... I figured that you would be interested in this information.
  11. she's probably just trying to cover for the fact that she will be making sandwiches all night.....
  12. There's an issue with this idea. Yes, the bird becomes hungry every 15 seconds if we don't feed it a worm but we only have 4 worms each to counteract tantrums/hungry. Obviously, it's a good idea to use all of the worms because, not only are they annoying to the rest of the raid, but the more uptime on satiated the better. If we were to have the bird eat a worm every 15 seconds in order to make sure that we have minimal hungry time, that would only give us 1 minute to kill the bird which, since the bird has ~30mil. hp, calculates to 500k dps overall to the bird. Obviously this isn't possible and phase 1 lasts longer than a minute so, while what you said is correct, it's a better idea to use the worms *reactively* as opposed to proactively. If you have a bird eat a worm while it is in a tantrum, the tantrum goes away. So, what I usually do (and this was merely a matter of feeling out how it all works through trial and error) is eat the first tantrum, then feed a worm during the 2nd tantrum. From then on out, I have the bird eat a worm whenever it drops below a 20% threshold (80%, 60%, 40%, 20%) if it has not already gone through a tantrum or reactively when the bird throws a tantrum. I'm pretty sure you already knew most of this and, even if you didn't, you have a system that works anyway (we were reliably getting into phase 2 although a lack of worms may have been why you were dying alot as we transitioned into phase 2? maybe? I don't know). tl;dr: I don't know why I wrote this because you already know what you're doing here.................. fun times.
  13. Iammoot

    Ragnaros Down!

    sure took your damn time
  14. I told the 25m a while back that I would provide screenshots of what the top of Beth's web looked like. As you can clearly see, there's alot of red here. As an added bonus, there is red that leaves more red on the red web! Ah, how I love all the red. I think Beth'tilac should have a theme song! Allow me to make a recomendation: Get where this is going? It may not look so bad, but you have to remember that this is all on low graphics. With a better computer, there would be alot more detail and polishing that would make all of this blend together. Not to mention that if you're not paying attention, it's easy for one shade of red to look like another shade of red...
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