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ATR Veterinarian
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Everything posted by Iammoot

  1. http://www.myfacewhen.com/65/
  2. wtb readability. This looks like Mr. Nipples wrote it.
  3. Apparently, some of the pros over at MMO champion have discovered that there is a repeating order to which dragons spawn with Halfus Wyrmbreaker each week. Should give some of us raid leaders a chance to prepare the raid ahead of time instead of having to do some impromptu decision making. http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2168-Halfus-Wyrmbreaker-spawn-cycle-Al-akir-25-HC-Video-The-Daily-Blink I know that I'll be using this. I'm sure that Prydain, Greatbad/Foto, Gump, Geedub and Ghost could use this too. In addition, anyone who is in or is a replacement for an active raid group could read up on the individual mechanics provided by each drake ahead of time so that said raider could be clearer on what is actually going on. I know that there are still some of you out there who insist upon not watching videos of the fight and not reading up on strategies. I strongly encourage you to consider this post as a stepping stone into being raid-ready not only with respect to gear but also with respect to mechanics. Cataclysm fights are NOT about the dps and I know that I DO NOT CARE about dps when it comes to putting the raid together. Cataclysm is about SURVIVAL and knowing the mechanics and how to avoid them is one of the best things you can do for your raid. Edit: Typo
  4. So is it just me, or is this little niche of the forums a little underappreciated?
  5. EVEN TANKS CAN CLICK IT!!!!! (hint hint :3)
  6. Great job guys! And grats to Bash on the belt! Glad he finally got a chance to push some progression . Hope to be there for V+T after the reset! I'm sure that we can get it down in no time!
  7. I don't know if I'm going to be there tonight anyway Bash, so I'd be content in giving you my spot. Want to spend some time with my friends while I'm still home from college (I'll only be home until the 4th, so it's a one time thing--I can put 100% into every raid night after that) but, if no plans crop up, then I will be there. Still, I think it only fair that you see a little bit of raid time aswell
  8. Just wanted to say grats to everyone who was present for some the attempts on Halfus/Magmaw and the eventual downing of each boss. We're all playing at the top of our game and I know that the Omnotron Defense System (and maybe the first boss in Throne of the Four Winds !) will die tomorrow night (really tonight from the time of this posting). I love you all. You make me cry because I'm so proud of you ;_;.
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