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Posts posted by Lyntha

  1. You guys are crazy, all three hunter specs are really fun to play.  I like the complexity of Survival.  Definitely seems like there will be a high skill cap there.  Hunter will also be the only class in the game that can switch from ranged dps to melee dps with only changing a weapon.

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  2. The quicker we down progression fights, the sooner we get gear for the people that are in for progression.  The better gear will equal an overall increase in raid performance and makes us better able to bring in more people to those difficult fights and get them geared.  It helps the guild out as a whole, even the people who get sat.

  3. Nobody's forcing anything, just as we haven't in the past.  Bash is talking about the guild doing what it can to give our members the tools they need to succeed.  The guild (Mainly through efforts coordinated by the guild officers and long-time members of the guild) will do everything they can to help our members achieve both their personal and the guild's goals.  This will be facilitated through everything that Bash mentioned.


    Nothing is mandatory, just as it never has been in the past.  The same rules apply.  If you're not carrying your weight because you do nothing outside of raids (Especially at the start of an xpac), don't be surprised if you get sat for progression.  15 people aren't going to carry 5 people on their back who can't carry themselves.

  4. wtf is GTA Tuesday?


    Seriously though, with the raid days taking over GTA Thursday's slot, I'm not sure how much we'll be doing GTA or what day I'll reschedule it to.  It will probably be Monday or Tuesday, but we'll see.


    Bash, one thing that probably needs to be a higher focus is Mythic+ dungeons.  The current plan (As far as I am aware, and correct me if I am wrong) is that they provide gear comparable to high-end raid gear, but only once a week when you turn in your keystone.  Having a designated day for it or at least pushing people to do these outside of raid will greatly help us progress.

  5. 14 hours ago, Mortelinnor said:


    Going through this thread, he's already changed main 2 times...


    Nah, just haven't decided yet.  I said people could put me down as that, but I'm still not sure.  Now that I have a chance to try the things I'm considering, I will decide soon.


    I was leaning heavily towards Warrior because I've always liked their style of tanking since they did away with tying rage generation to incoming damage but they reverted that change for legion and warrior tanking is getting absolutely trashed by everyone.  Went from one of the best tank specs to probably the worst.  Fury was also super fun earlier in alpha until they reverted a lot of the cool stuff later in the beta.  So, you know, things change.


    Right now I'm leaning heavily towards druid.  I can play all four specs of it at once, all four are supposed to be fun, and we need more druids.  Seems like a win/win/win to me.

  6. Edit again:  It looks like a lot of the classes were still being actively worked on in the near past.  I'd be interested in hearing a tanking roundup that was put out after the changes stopped.  I will also just try them out when the legion pre-patch releases tomorrow.

  7. To summarize:


    Prot Paladin - Super boring.  Holy Power removed, nothing put in its place.  As a result, class is super simple and boring.  Every button as a prot pally pretty much does the same thing.  Half the things do damage and nothing to mitigate damage.  "Pressing these buttons for the sake of pressing them".  All of the "Active Mitigation" buttons just give flat damage reduction.


    Warrior - They are tying rage generation into damage taken like it was early in WoW.  The better geared and skilled you are, the less rage you have and the less you do, making tanking boring.


    Demon Hunter - Decently Fun, flashy.  It is more or less everything from other classes put together.  Too many long-CD buttons.  Nothing stands out.


    Blood DK:  Two-Button Spec for the most part.  Talents are good.  Changed a bit from WoD, but the changes are detable whether they're better or not, whereas warrior and prot paladin are clearly worse than what they were in WoD.  The artifact ability is boring.  There are definitely some issues but it's overall fun.


    Guardian Druid:  Major changes from WOD, all great.  Funnest tank spec atm.



    He didn't review Brewmaster because of how broken it was and they were making major changes to it.  A newer review would definitely be helpful.



  8. To summarize...




    Ret Pally - Just plain Boring.

    Survival - Mash up of multiple classes, nothing really fun though and nothing works well together.

    Arms Warrior - Revolves around Colossus Smash and the RNG when you don't get CS is annoying.

    All Rogue Specs - All three specs are meh.





    Feral Druid - Minor changes from WoD, but all the changes are great.

    Fury Warrior - Was much better earlier in alpha.  They scaled back a lot of these changes and made it less fun.  Still fun, but not as much as it was earlier in testing.

    Havoc Demon Hunter - Very well-put together spec.  They did a good job.  Some of the talents are underwhelming but still very cool.





    Enhancement Shammy - A couple of crappy talents, rest is pretty much amazing.  Great talent/spec synergy and variety.  Everything works well together.  Very fun.

    Windwalker Monk - Everything you do individually feels great and ties together even better.  You feel like a kung-fu master, nailed the style and flavor.  Great talents.

    Death Knight - #1, master class.  Unholy and Frost are both super fun.  Everything is skill-based too.  A good player will get a good return on these specs.  They even managed to make Death and Decay, one of the most boring spells in the game, interesting.



    I might end up going with Windwalker, Druid or Fury.  Thanks for the link Bash, it was very helpful.  Do you know of any video like this, but for tanks?

  9. Much love, thanks Mastric.  And yes, I have been VERY out of the loop.  A lot of the vets in ATR have my info on Steam/Blizz etc and can verify I don't play too many games any more.  Real Life Commitments OP.

  10. "They" found nothing.  Youtube automatically reviews all videos for copyright infringement using known high copyright abuse targets (Popular songs, popular movies, etc).  If you've ever watch something bootleg on youtube like a movie excerpt for example and found that it was mirrored, that's why.  It's all done so Youtube doesn't get their pants sued off for massive violations of the DMCA.  They have to show that they are doing their due diligence in protecting copyright holders' IP.


    So bash, is that basically saying that the video won't be taken down but any monetization earned from it will be sent to the appropriate copyright holders?

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