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Posts posted by Lyntha

  1. Booo, it will happen after our guild party.  Whatever, people always come back after doing the guild party so I guess ATR will have a lot of steam going into Legion.


    Disappointing to see another 14 month delay between the last raid zone of current xpac and the release of the next xpac.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Phobia said:

    why do you bother picking one? you know you gonna main swap like 5 times then take an early break....

    I didn't main swap the entire last xpac.  Started off playing my priest and played my BrM Monk Alt in raid for a little bit when tanks didn't exist then went back to my priest when we got tanks.  I'm not into main-changing like I was in the past man.  How many alts of mine are at max level?  3.  Last xpac I had 10.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mortelinnor said:

    I don't see why other people would get to play DH and not me.

    You can play whatever the heck you want.  Nobody's going to put a gun to your head and make you level up a different class.  Whether you can participate in the main raid with your chosen character is a whole different story.


    As for me, I am most likely coming back.  As what?  Not sure.  If they actually deliver on the promise and make atonement a thing, I'll probably be playing atonement priest.  If not priest, im not sure.

  4. I am pretty sure that they realized that MoP CM's were super hard but fun.  I've tried the WoD CM's and find them way too spiky to be fun.  It's not fun when you literally have to chain stuns and CD's or else your tank goes from full to 0 in 3 seconds when your max heal hits him for 20% of his health.  Group comp is so important.

    I imagine it'd be a lot more fun for a dps, but as a healer, they are not fun.

  5. Challenge modes whaaaaaaaaat


    They are finally addressing my biggest complaint about WoW...  There's nothing to do other than static content.  And that static content is soooo static.  Once you do content, there's not much replayability.  The new CM's are not only 5-man (Which I love) but it's also very dynamic.  It's basically like rifts in D3.  Every one will be different with modifiers and it will constantly get harder and harder.  I'm really excited!!  What's everyone else think?



  6. We had a great turnout on GTA thursday for 10/22/15.  11 people showed up for it.  We had a great freaking time and people seemed to love my new playlists.  I don't plan on going away from community maps (What we played mostly in the past which were very hit or miss) but I will go light on them and more heavily utilize the excellent rockstar maps we played mostly on the last GTA thursday.

    Since I am no longer raiding and miss all of you guys, I do plan on doing this every week.  Everyone (Both in WoW and BF sides of the community) is welcome to attend.  I would love to see some of the Battlefield guys show up and get some cross-game shenanigans going.  The time will be the same and will be every Thursday at 7:30PM EST.  I will send out private crew session invites then.  Please log into TS and tell me if you don't get an invite.  I am either just slacking or you're not on my friends list in GTA.


    See you guys tomorrow!

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