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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. Coachtaylor was a boss when he was running with our alt group. Undergeared for Heroic content but a beast is a beast.
  2. Edited: I'm stupid. Dimen needs an RDPS for Thursday ONLY. Anyone have a well-geared alt or someone who isn't raiding that week (Backups or casuals) that can help her out?
  3. We can probably help you out Dimen. What is your current raidcomp (Spec and Class of every person) so we can see what you could best use?
  4. Admittedly, it seemed like Pikachu and Gump were doing a great job with Rageface.
  5. We just winged it. Done. I think this fight is easier than Rag normal, even after rag got nerfed harder than shannox
  6. What if you AMS on the transition is what I think he's getting. AMS prevents application of harmful debuffs so one would assume that it would prevent the application of the seed, since it's a harmful debuff. Cloak also says that it causes a 100% chance for all spells to be resisted. By the same token, would deterrence work? If so, you could potentially prevent the debuff application to: Rogues (Cloak) DK (AMS) Pallies (Bubble) Mages (Ice Block) Hunter (Deterrence)
  7. Yeah, fragments are always first. We'll bring them on melee to help out.
  8. Tears would stack up too fast and it'd be too difficult to create the separation needed unless I was a Warrior or we abused Priest grips/sprints. THat coupled with the fact that you're gaining so little means we're gonna 2 tank it. Even if the debuffs last longer, I think we'll be alright. I can truly extend the time by a good 5-10 seconds each time. For a debuff that only lasts for 24 seconds, that's an eternity. We don't actually slow the dog on purpose or anything now so we might just have to purposefully slow him if necessary.
  9. Meh I've been kiting Shannox since week 1. I can kite shannox and the dog for a good 5-10 seconds of extra kite time every time. Since melee doesn't really lose any DPS on movement, we'll probably just keep the ranged slows on the boss.
  10. Domo will be our 3rd fight in 25-man and we may see him as early as this week if Rhyolith and Shannox go well, so please research this fight as well. http://wow.mmoscholar.com/2011/08/17/25man-heroic-majordomo-guide/ This fight is probably the least changed from normal to heroic. We are just going to stay in cat phase for almost the whole time, only transitioning until right before the first cleave. By the end of the fight, the DPS have to visually rely on watching the cat and moving away in time to avoid taking damage from the cat's leap. Not only will the leap possibly kill you, it will also reset your concentration (100% damage buff) stack. It's all about burning hard and avoiding damage.
  11. Heroic Rhyolith 25-man will be the second boss that we attempt after Shannox is down. Please see the following guide for more info: http://wow.mmoschola...rhyolith-guide/ This fight is mainly different in how the adds spawn much faster, the boss is harder to turn and he spawns adds when you kill a volcano. You can't let the adds hit the boss or you'll hit his soft enrage.
  12. Heroic Shannox 25 is our next encounter; Read this link for more info: http://wow.mmoscholar.com/2011/07/08/25man-heroic-shannox-guide/ This fight is largely reliant on having one EXCELLENT ranged DPS who can do excellent burst and kite at the same time. The best people for this are Hunters and Mages, so please research the rageface kiting portion of this fight if you are one of those two classes!
  13. It was mainly a problem on my phone, nothing I could do about that. It's also not uncommon for 14" and 15" laptops to use display panels with 1280 x 800 or 1366 x 768 resolutions to avoid having too high of a pixel pitch for casual viewing. On desktops, it worked fine even on my second monitor, which is a 19" running the standard 19" 4:3 resolution, which is 1280 x 1024.
  14. Yeah I tried again and it's fixed. I guess I'm just bad at QA/Bug-testing.
  15. Issue is still present on my second screen at 1280 x 1024 resolution. Google Chrome 14.
  16. See attached. I found out the issue is that the header background picture is clickable and leads back to the forum main page. The problem is that the entire image is clickable and the bar with the Facebook Symbol, Twitter Symbol, "Sign In" and "Create Account" is dynamically positioned according to the resolution of the display device. On a laptop with a resolution of 1280 x 800 and my phone at 854 x 480, the image covers up the bar and you cannot click "Sign in" on a a display with a horizontal resolution less than 900 or so and you cannot click on "Create Account" on a cell-phone sized display. In the image, I have the header image highlighted so you can see how much space it takes up and how it's bleeding into the bar mentioned above. In the screenshot, you can still sign in though it does cut into that button's space a little bit. My recommendation would be to make the header image not clickable.
  17. I think you're gonna have MUCH better luck with Thursday. Very few people will want to raid on Friday nights. Are you doing a full clear Thursday or just resuming your Sinestra ID? I think that since you're changing the day, you'll probably have quite a few people who will want to get the BWD title and all the achieves.
  18. I got some plans after work and getting off of work late may derail my plans. I have like a 10% chance of being late. I'll be on eventually if I am late.
  19. Lyntha

    Sagikos - 9/12

    May the force be with you
  20. In car driving back to work got paged twice before i even got home. Unknown eta but late at minimum. Still at work, just got paged AGAIN. Man im hungry
  21. Snuggelbunny - On Call - 8/15/11 - 8/22/11
  22. See title. I'll be late today, working late. Will be on but might not be till 8 or shortly thereafter. It honestly depends on how awful the bus system is at this time of day.
  23. Is that you or Ke$ha in your avatar?
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