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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. [quote name='Phobi
  2. I thought prydain said that V&T was easy as long as you got a good rogue. Regardless, we are going to at least get the first 5 down then go from there. With our higher level of gear from Firelands, it should not be that bad anymore, though it will no doubt still be tough. I am hoping that we can down the first 5 listed above the first Sunday then get 1 or 2 more every Sunday afterwards, though we admittedly will be pressed for time. BTW, I wish that group 10man raided on Mondays instead of Sundays so we could do alt stuff on Sundays.
  3. I am interested in doing a T11 Hardmodes run on our mains on Sunday Nights. Blizz recently changed the T11 raids so that you still get VP from normal modes. I figure that with a half-decent group, we should be able to go in and somewhat easily kill the following 6 bosses: Magmaw Maloriak Atramedes Chimaeron Halfus V&T After we get these bosses on farm, we'll move onto harder bosses but for the time being, we can annihilate the normal modes for VP as opposed to doing ZA/ZG's. Please reply to this post if you are interested. Again, this would be SUNDAY NIGHT, 7:30 server to 11. People who replied: RDPS: Unholy Adonor Mord Zaub MDPS: Zenzae Healer: Deft Tank: Moot Snugg
  4. Lol donor, I realize that spirit gear is useless for locks and mages but priests, druids and shamans get hit from spirit. Silly warlock
  5. Drones: Havlat, Taunka, Mord, Tulli, PIkachu (After first) Up top: Psychosi, Rizel, Rebel, Ragnius, Deftonia, Taz (Pikachu at first) Diamond (Left): Unholy, Onar, Goofy Center: Gump, Heldarram, Perenelle Triangle (Right): Zenzae, Dark Bottom Healing: Jlogg, Restorator, Foto, Zhyrr Summary: Top DPS: 4 Top Healers: 2 Swap DPS (Up top till smouldering, then on drone): 1 Drone DPS: 4 Group 1 Slow (Left): 3 Group 2 Slow (Middle): 3 Group 3 Slow (Right): 1 + Zenzae Bottom Healing: 4 Tanks know what to do ( /brofist)
  6. Lyntha

    5/7 Firelands

    I got fraps for 10M Shannox (Our group), 25M Shannox. Ill put them up sometime when I get a chance to edit and encode
  7. Thanks ghost/bosen/prydain!
  8. Lyntha


    Thanks for the heads up mord.
  9. bump. Bump our official thread via the link above!
  10. Attendance is tracked via the following spreadsheet. I usually take attendance every night so if you show up late and don't get an invite or are on wait list, let me know so that it can be tracked. https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao1P2dRuT6f3dHZ1ci1pRmFTUmduLXRucnAxTFhXWnc&hl=en_US&authkey=CP-uw8UH
  11. Im pretty sure he already DID come back.
  12. We currently have 2 recruiting threads on the WoW forums. One is General Recruitment and needs to be bumped FREQUENTLY!! The other is in our realm forums and only needs to be bumped occasionally. When bumping posts, don't just say "Bump" as this might cause your post to get banned! Say SOMETHING. General Recruitment Forums - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6308622290 - Bump me a lot! Skullcrusher Forums - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6308662191#1 - I don't need bumped quite as often! Current Recruiting Macro: /2 All That Rem is a mature semi-casual guild looking for exceptional players (All Roles) for our core 25-man, currently 4/8 Hard-Mode DS. We raid 7:30 - 11PM EST Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Visit atremains.com/forums to apply! Bump them up! Advertise in Trade!
  13. lol I commend your effort but I really doubt you need to post about alt shit. GO ENJOY TIME WITH YOUR FRIENDS
  14. TRY TO CHANGE THE STRAT! I DARE YOU! @_@ The strat sucks. Block tanks are OP for adds, DK tanks are op for boss. I see a clear path to winning here.
  15. Shadowflame breath comes randomly. But onto the topic of CD's for nef... A DK is absolutely OP for Nef when not tanking adds. Between Mirror (1 Min), AMS (45), Bone Shield (1 Min) and Vamp Blood (1 Min), a DK can afford to have not one but TWO cd's available every single electrocute. In our 25 man, we get an electrocute every 45 seconds or so so it stands to reason that you could rotate them every other electrocute if not even more aggressively. Not to mention, the DK can DS when it happens too. I remember seeing a WoL Parse from a DK doing heroic nef and his CD coverage was almost perfect. He had CD's up for almost the whole fight. As a Pally Tank, if I dont have mirror I dont even have a CD for every single electrocute. Speaking of moot, why the hell are we having me tank Nef and a DK tank adds? For now on, we're having a DK tank nef.
  16. Lyntha

    OT 5/16/11

    Howdy. Sorry for the late notice but I just found out that I will be working OT tonight from about 10:00 EST till whenever I'm done. I WILL still be raiding but only until 10:00 PM, at which point I gotta bounce.
  17. Hola. Just a heads up, im on-call for work from 5-23 to 5-30. I WILL still be raiding but I am on-call from 7:30 PM every night till the next morning. My typical on-call consists of a call a night or so but I can usually resolve the issue remotely. I may have to AFK during trash for example. Occasionally, I do have to drive in to my place of work to resolve a high-priority issue but it typically only happens once a week or so and sometimes it never happens during the week. It is also worth mentioning that I sometimes get called in during the middle of the night and I end up working my normal shift afterwards. As a result, I usually come home exhausted and just collapse into sleep. So if I miss a raid, that's why. I think that's only happened once ever, but I figure I should mention it. If I do decide to skip a raid cuz im exhausted, I would let you guys know. My next on-call after this (Unless I take somebody else's on-call, which I do if they offer) will be 2.5 months down the line so...
  18. Hola. Just a heads up, im on-call for work from 5-9 to 5-16. I WILL still be raiding but I am on-call from 7:30 PM every night till the next morning. My typical on-call consists of a call a night or so but I can usually resolve the issue remotely. I may have to AFK during trash for example. Occasionally, I do have to drive in to my place of work to resolve a high-priority issue but it typically only happens once a week or so and sometimes it never happens during the week. It is also worth mentioning that I sometimes get called in during the middle of the night and I end up working my normal shift afterwards. As a result, I usually come home exhausted and just collapse into sleep. So if I miss a raid, that's why. I think that's only happened once ever, but I figure I should mention it. If I do decide to skip a raid cuz im exhausted, I would let you guys know.
  19. /agree . It is also very possible that somebody accidentally clicked on Magmaw and was on him messing up one of the three DK's who were supposed to be chaining. I think I even remember one DK saying on vent that somebody went up instead of him.
  20. Rebel: I've been in a lot of 25M raids and vent chatter didn't appear excessive at all. If anything, there seemed to be a need for more. IE when we collapse on Chim (And Spread Out) some of the calls were late or missing. It might be a good idea to designate two ppl to say it if one person will occasionally forget or be too busy healing, tanking or dps and forget to make the call. The fact that we only had one ass pull of Chim was an achievement itself. I was literally thinking as we were buffing that pull "Wow, we haven't ass-pulled chim yet! I should mention it! No wait, i'll jinx us!!" Maloriak was pretty messed up in multiple ways. For one, I had never tanked the boss and had no idea that I had to face him towards the raid. That obviously thankfully got solved quickly (Thank goodness I didn't get one-shotted) and is no longer an issue. Somebody was interrupting Release Abberations at first but they stopped and I interrupted the rest according to my Boss Mod telling me that 9 adds were up when there were only six. I guess my mod didn't catch an interrupt? Not sure, but that ended up being MY fault, not the DPS. This caused Moot to have to tank 12 the second time which is why he died, that's not a fault of moot or the ranged dps providing slows. Their damage increases almost exponentially the more you have up as they buff each other. We recovered quickly, got moot back up while I AOE Taunted + Swalled and beat the fight. It was a great effort. So basically, all the problems were my fault . I will stroke my ego a bit and admit that I didn't get hit by a single magma jet however the first time I've seen the mechanic and came up with my own little system for placing them on the fly without hitting the raid or getting hit myself. So maybe that balances it out? Idk, we should be fine next time regardless. Moot: For magmaw, the melee just have to spam click on magmaw and do the chains immediately. If there is no delay (There shouldn't be), it will naturally happen all at once. Coordinating it (1, 2, 3 GO!) will only create more vent chatter and enhance the possibility of a mistake due to vent lag, not to mention delay the exposed phase and increase tank damage. Too much possible bad stuff to account for people screwing up something exceedingly simple (Click on a huge freaking boss as soon as you can click on him).
  21. The 25m seemed to be much easier than 10m. Due to lag, addon problems, DC's etc, we had several major messups throughout the night on almost every boss and still crushed the place. I mean look at the Chim kill, we lost a few people right at the beginning and still killed him. Imagine if that happened in 10M, it'd be a wipe for sure. Imagine next week when all the lag, dc's, addon problems etc. are fixed and we are also more comfortable with our roles. We should literally obliterate the place. I approve of our 25's and hope to see us doing more! Excellent job Rebel.
  22. I think there needs to be a more solid plan on managing interrupts, such as an interrupt rotation or something. On fights like nef and maloriak, interrupts are absolutely critical and should be handled appropriately. Maloriak is especially tough on 25 as there are multiple things to interrupt on the same boss and the interrupt sequence will vary. For example: Interrupt 1 --> Dps 1 7 seconds later: Interrupt 2 --> DPS 2 11 Seconds Later: Interrupt 3 --> DPS 1 and 2 both interrupt 6 seconds later: Interrupt 4 --> DPS 1 and 2 are both on CD DPS will have to work together to ensure smooth interrupts and talk amongst themselves and this is not a challenge on 10man. Otherwise, this whole thing appears to be very well thought out by you Rebel!!
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