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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. Do you at least glyph recklesness or do you have the additional damage taken portion of reck to actually build up more vengeance stacks? Also, if you kill him that fast, why go through the effort of all that and putting more strain on the healers?
  2. There's an issue with this idea. Yes, the bird becomes hungry every 15 seconds if we don't feed it a worm but we only have 4 worms each to counteract tantrums/hungry. Obviously, it's a good idea to use all of the worms because, not only are they annoying to the rest of the raid, but the more uptime on satiated the better. If we were to have the bird eat a worm every 15 seconds in order to make sure that we have minimal hungry time, that would only give us 1 minute to kill the bird which, since the bird has ~30mil. hp, calculates to 500k dps overall to the bird. Obviously this isn't possible and phase 1 lasts longer than a minute so, while what you said is correct, it's a better idea to use the worms *reactively* as opposed to proactively. If you have a bird eat a worm while it is in a tantrum, the tantrum goes away. So, what I usually do (and this was merely a matter of feeling out how it all works through trial and error) is eat the first tantrum, then feed a worm during the 2nd tantrum. From then on out, I have the bird eat a worm whenever it drops below a 20% threshold (80%, 60%, 40%, 20%) if it has not already gone through a tantrum or reactively when the bird throws a tantrum. I'm pretty sure you already knew most of this and, even if you didn't, you have a system that works anyway (we were reliably getting into phase 2 although a lack of worms may have been why you were dying alot as we transitioned into phase 2? maybe? I don't know). tl;dr: I don't know why I wrote this because you already know what you're doing here.................. fun times. Does it spawn hungry? If not, we got 15 seconds at the start before first worm then we also got 15 seconds at the end. Don't forget the "Lock on and fire" animations when the hatchling is moving towards and eating the worm. So think of it like: 0 Seconds - Spawn 15 Seconds - Hungry. Dragged to worm 17 Seconds - Starts eating worm 22 Seconds - First worm eaten, back to tank 37 Seconds - Hungry. Dragged to worm 39 Seconds - Starts eating worm 44 Seconds - First worm eaten, back to tank 59 Seconds - Hungry. Dragged to worm 61 Seconds - Starts eating worm 66 Seconds - First worm eaten, back to tank 81 Seconds - Hungry. Dragged to worm 83 Seconds - Starts eating worm 87 Seconds - First worm eaten, back to tank 102 Seconds - Hungry. Tornadoes spawn by then? If we need a bit more time, we can always shield wall the first Tantrum. I'd imagine it'd be up by the time phase 4 happens. Also, while what Prydain said was indeed hilarious, it brings up the following thought: If we do the adds perfectly, we're losing vengeance stacks from the few tantrum hits that do go through and that will affect our DPS. I'm wondering if we should just keep doing what we're doing instead. At least on my side, I do it somewhat sloppy and just bring him to a worm once he tantrums so I take a few hits (I'm always right next to the next worm.
  3. Lyntha

    Ragnaros Down!

    I'd assume so but still, it's mighty impressive. Thanks. P.S.: Sorry for hijacking your thread. Congratulations on Killing Ragnaros!!
  4. Lyntha

    Ragnaros Down!

    [quote name='Phobi
  5. Lyntha

    Ragnaros Down!

    Three questions: 1.) Why do we mysteriously all have signatures from "Best-signatures.com" now 2.) Why is moot's so much smaller? 3.) Why the hell is Kerrigan all up in my sig
  6. I know I already told you in shoutbox but replying for everyone's sake: It's our new 10-man group. yay us.
  7. Ruff, do you get mana back even with heavy exo usage without Denounce? Thanks,
  8. After reading about the fight some more, I found the following things that can be tweaked with our Alysrazor strat: Phase 2 (Tornadoes!): This was never mentioned but a big part of this phase (In addition to dodging tornadoes) is going through the rings on the ground. The rings give you a haste buff which is very helpful for dpsing Alysrazor down in a timely manner. And of course, everyone needs to watch the tornado video posted by Gump to learn how to not fail at it. We've had a night of wipes on this boss and will be sitting people out who can't do the tornadoes. It's an integral part of the fight and very easy so there should be no excuses. If you have problems with Alysrazor blocking your screen just move the camera in closer. Phase 3 (We Burn alysrazor!): The boss restores mana on spells that successfully hit her. There is also very little (If any) damage going out. Every single healer should be spamming spells on the boss to regain mana. Pallies need to cast exorcism/Holy Shock/Judgement and should'nt be casting crusader strike as it only procs on ranged abilities, not melee Phase 4 (Alysrazor burns YOU!): We weren't prepared for just how much damage goes out during this phase. Tanks and healers both need to use Cooldowns VERY liberally or you won't survive. Every healer needs to be spamming their strongest heals. This phase does not last long and you SHOULD be at full mana thanks to Phase 3. Taz/Foto will need to work out how often this phase occurs and how to space out cooldowns appropriately but we need to have up multiple cooldowns on every Phase 4. Tanks (This really just goes to moot): The bird casts Hungry 15 seconds after eating a worm. We can just move it to the worm exactly every 15 seconds to ensure we don't get wrecked by tantrum. If we get an overlap where there's no worms up, we just eat a tantrum with Swall. Please ignore me if you already knew this.
  9. Update: Looks like this isn't going to happen because of Dimengirl's group but we're gonna keep our options open for now. If we have enough people on, we may be able to fill Dimen's group AND do a T11 Hard Modes run.
  10. It works as long as you have a WOL parse up somewhere (Unholy uploads them), you dont need a WoL account
  11. All DPS should check out the Amazing Epeen Bot at http://raidbots.com/epeenbot/ This tool allows you to see how your parses compare to the rest of the raiding community. Here's my take on the percentiles: Above 95%: You are a shining example of how to be a boss at playing wow Between 75-90%: You are doing extremely well! At this high of a ranking, you are probably more gear-limited than anything else but that doesn't mean you're perfect. Keep squeezing out what extra performance you can. Between 50-75%: You are doing a good job but can use some improvements to better yourself. Look for innovative ways to improve your performance and squeeze out that last bit of performance. Between 25-50%: Your performance is okay but you can be much better! You can use some improvements in your rotation/uptime as well as gear. Between 10-25%: Your performance is sub-par and you're not doing a great job. You can use some major improvements in your rotation/uptime. If you are this low, gear is probably less of an issue than what you're actually doing. Below 10%: Hate to say it, but you're doing it wrong. What exactly? WoW. If you are consistently low on a certain fight, watch videos and look at parses from people who've done the fight better. For example, we have a lot of people that do very poorly for some reason on beth'tilac. If you're a hunter (for example), search youtube for "Beth'tilac Hunter POV" and watch the videos to see what they are doing better than you. Also, look at parses and see where their damage is coming from. If you compare parses and see that hunter X that did twice as much damage than you has the same amount of multi-shot damage but double damage in every other attack, that probably means that he did a much better job at maximizing uptime on DPS while not dpsing spiderlings but he spent just as much time on spiderlings as you. etc etc. I feel that we have a very good healing and tank core in this guild as well as some amazing individual DPS players but we can use some overall improvement with our DPS core. Use this tool to help yourself (And the rest of the guild) out!
  12. Look at me, popping cooldowns like a BOSS
  13. You need an alt my good friend. Or alts. Whatever. Then you really COULD raid every day of the week if you wanted.
  14. I think that we're gonna put this on hold for a few weeks due to Dimengirl's group needing raiders for both Sunday and Thursday. Stay tuned but nothing should be concrete as of right now.
  15. Very bad. We're almost done now but I still gotta get home and like I said, traffic is offed. Ill be on sometime between 9 and 10 most likely
  16. They are just now here, so ill definitely be late
  17. The thing I had to wake up early for today? Yeah, the movers for the move showed up 3 hours late and then moved slow as balls. I'm stuck at work waiting for an incompetent department to deliver some freaking desks so I can actually get a department up and running in time for a morning resumal of service. TLDR: I'm stuck at work, have no idea when im leaving. U2 is playing in my city tonight as well which means that traffic is F*CKED so when I do get the hell out of here, I gotta sit in traffic for at least an hour. I'll be on for sure but I may be a tad bit late.
  18. This post is in dire need of some separation via paragraphs! What foto says is true! Great work everyone. I do feel that 10man is a lot easier in this tier for various reasons and most progressed guilds on our server are in 10mans, go figure. We can still improve in many areas but we shouldn't be ashamed of our progress thus far.
  19. don't be getting any ideas about a decapitated dragon or an oversized/overpowered lightning machine now Hardy har har
  20. I will be leaving raid betwen 9:30PM and 10PM to get some sleep for work as I got an exceptionally early morning tomorrow and need my sleep or I become a mutated he-beast capable of many very nefarious things. Sorry!
  21. Zen, this post was from last year. I don't think anything is currently happening
  22. Tanks don't get hit quite as hard in 10mans as you typically have half as many healers healing a tank. More HP does equal more breathing room but it also turns the tank into a mana sponge for the 1/2 healers on the tank. In our 25-man, I'm getting hit for almost 200k instantly when shannox hits me with an arcing+Melee sub 30% if both hits are unblocked. At this point, I'm getting spam healed by 4-6 healers. From afar, the answer may seem "Well get more stam so you don't get one-shot", but the better answer is "Get more mastery so that every hit is blocked. Otherwise me and moot would get demolished.
  23. I am on-call from 7-25-11 to 8-1-11 and will most likely receive pages and have to respond to them. I will be at the raids if nothing is pulling me away but I may have to bail at any time if something urgent comes up.
  24. I have to get up early tomorrow morning and will probably be leaving raid early around 10. To some of you this is silly, but trust me I won't get up in time unless I get 7 hours of sleep. I have sleep problems.
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