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Posts posted by Prydain

  1. We ignore adds as well. I think we only get 3 black phases in total. The last ball we just keep bouncing because its a lot easier than going into black phase again (even though you lose the extra dmg from the extra stacks from the debuff)

  2. You can start really close to the hagara (while paying attention ice waves doesnt hit you). From there you get knocked back a few yards. That's what I do and I basically don't have to move at all.

  3. You don't want too many range stacking inside the bubble, And you want at least 4 cds rotating, even more if you can afford it without gimping yourself in Lightning Phase.

    You can put ele shamans outside as well (They can't multi dot anyways)

  4. It's the timing. At that point your cds will be coming up. If you are using it on the 1st one most won't have their cds up. So you should save it for the 2nd or 3rd. On the 3rd the 5min cds come back up so it works nicely.

    forgot to mention that she will be in execute range for the 3rd feedback

  5. By the way you worded it makes me think that you think that mana void keeps sucking mana for the time its alive. It sucks mana only for the few seconds Yorsahj is channeling.

    Healers will only have to use their mana cd once for the mana void, every time after its a plus. Makes managing mana faceroll.

  6. You guys always have a ton of shamans, they will most likely have hst totem glyph for the elemental resist.

    The way to know when to drop grounding totem to eat Shattered Ice, is by looking at the boss when she does Focussed assault. She will usually shoot it after she is done channeling that.

    The way I've done ice phase so that it only requires 1 turn around was like this. Once an ice wave is close the whole raids gets in the bubble then gets out immediately so you have more than the usual time to dps a crystal.

    For the lightning phase you should have your healers stand in the middle so they can tranq/hymn/spam heals

  7. -Yor'sahj Automatic RaidWarnings: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/yorsahj

    -What gives and doesn't give Deep Corruption stacks: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=55312/yorsahj-the-unsleeping#comments:id=1610082


    Purple, Red, Yellow, Black - Kill Yellow

    Blue, Purple, Green, Yellow - Kill Yellow

    Blue, Black, Purple, Yellow - Kill Yellow

    Green, Red, Blue, Black - Kill Green

    Green, Yellow, Black, Red - Kill Green <-- Lust on this one

    Purple, Green, Black, Blue - Kill Green or Black

    -Mana Void Trick:

    When the first mana void spawns don't kill it. Have everyone pop their mana regen cds. When Yorsahj is channeling and unable to melee, have your tank dps the Mana Void. Once you get the 2nd mana void kill the 1st one. This way your healers will only require to have to use mana regen cd once.

    -Put raid markers down for Green, Yellow and Black. Start the fight stacked up between Yellow and Green that way dps can quickly switch to the slime.

    - The black adds DO have an aggro table, they are just immune to taunts and seem to reset their aggro table again and again. So using misdirect or tricks actually works for a short time.

    PS. I will update more stuff if I remember them.

  8. There won't be this magnet effect. That after each crystal spawn the bosses gets farther and farther away from each other. This only happens because the tank moves closer to the crystal. But there is no real need for that.

    So you will have this sequence or cycle:

    -Crystal spawn 30 yards away from boss, Range stands at ~20 yards.

    -6 sec later Stomp happens. -> Range moves ~10 yards to get closer to the crystal.

    -6 sec later Crystal explodes. -> Range will get knocked back towards the boss and put back in stomp range.

    What this means is that range will only have to move to get close to a crystal. After that the knockback from the crystal will be enough to put you where you need to know (if not you move slightly, nothing major). This will allow your healers to get 100% out of their ground heals.

    I did it this way last night and it felt extremely smooth. I was in Group B (Kohcrom), and after positioning him I would not move at all. When there was ~2 sec left on Black Blood Phase I would heroic leap right in front of the boss. We one-shoted him as well. Here is the logs http://worldoflogs.c...70q6tchn37azkp/. You can see there is a destro lock, this makes it possible to refresh Bane of Havoc if you take longer than 5min to kill him. I should of fraps it, at least from the start until the second black phase.

  9. I was explaining to rebel a strat that might help you guys out more. I decided to make a presentation, that way it would be more easier to understand and you can show it to everyone in the 25m.


    It is done on Google Docs, so you should be able to check it at work. Let me know if I missed out on something or there something you are not sure that I should include.

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