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Posts posted by Prydain

  1. Nah you don't need to have a special class to do the kiting, and tears wouldn't stack past 5 because riplimb never returning the spear. However Shannox still throws his spear on cd regardless if the spear is returned or not.

    This strat is more viable to do in 10m because having 7 dps instead of the normal 5 is just a huge increase in raid dps. No second tank taking damage. And it would actually result in less healing required on the tanks.

    Here i'll leave you this video so you can see how it's done:

  2. You can solo tank shannox by using the kiting method in a circle shape with the range standing in the center for max dps. But I wouldn't recommend to do in 25m since the lost of 1 tank for 1 dps shouldn't make or break the fight.

  3. Little tip on the orbs, they have unlimited range meaning that you don't have to be right on top of it.

    Regarding cloak/ams, I'm almost 100% sure they don't clear the seed debuff. However they do avoid you from taking damage, keeping your 100% concentration.

    You can also make the melee take some orbs during the cat orb phase depending on your strat.

  4. Not sure about 25m, but in 10m we bring all the fragments on top of the legs so the aoe hits the boss (and since it hits evenly the leg won't make a weird turn). This also allows melee to cleave them increasing dps on the boss.

    Don't forget that the Shards get a buff that increases their dmg done and dmg taken by equal amounts over time. So if you are getting overwhelmed by fragments focus on them first.

  5. Meh I've been kiting Shannox since week 1. I can kite shannox and the dog for a good 5-10 seconds of extra kite time every time. Since melee doesn't really lose any DPS on movement, we'll probably just keep the ranged slows on the boss.

    I can't remember for sure, but I think the debuffs (Rend/Frenzy) last longer on heroic.

  6. Well I was planning on resuming H-Chogall. I'm trying to kill the same boss once until we get Glory of the Raider for all the consistent people (5-6) who come, and then do anything else the new people need.

    This is the full plan that I'm following:






    -Achievements (done on normal)

    The only time I would deviate from this plan is there is enough people for the night and the comp is not great (if 3 melee then might do H-Al'Akir instead of Cho'gall)

  7. The run last night went fairly well despite the silly wipes due to people not focusing, probably because no one cared enough about H atramedes. So we did normal and got the achievement for not getting too much sound. But we were able to get H Magmaw, H Omnitron and H Maloriak for the people that did not have it yet.

    I'm continuing the run from Friday on Sunday and doing H-Nef and H-Cho'gall and then moving onto Sinestra . I will keep doing this run every friday but it will be a continuation until we down Sinestra, meaning if we don't get Dragonslayer this week, next week the only boss we are doing is Sinestra with an extended ID.

    If you want to come on this run you must be well geared for the content. Post here or whisper me in-game for an invite on the calendar. Also watch sinestra video and learn

  8. You are thinking glyph of Death Wish, there is no way to remove the damage taken part of recklessness, but Ruff knows to keep me. We have bash be the floater with 3 feathers, so he can easily and quickly help out any grp that needs help. The stress is not as big as you think, ruff just spams divine light on me and I'm good for the duration of the trantrum.

    Also after my bird dies Ruff can help healing ghostwind, he is the one who usually gets hits hard and cant spend a lot of time dpsing, because he needs to DS a lot.

  9. My add usually dies 20s before the phase is over so i fly around the room with 3 feathers.

    But in all seriousness I do pop recklessness but I time it. I let the first trantum go full duration and let ruff know to spam heal me. When the next trantum comes I make the bird eat a worm and pop recklessness.

    Also, when I know I don't have to use all the worms (bird is at ~30% and I have 2 worms up) I let ghostwind knows because he gets rocked hard on this phase.

  10. alysrazorv.jpg

    As always Bosen has a broken heart and is crying in the corner because bozack beat him in dps again.


    Good job on everyone in the 10 man to achieve 5/7 as well as the 25 man in downing Shannox.

    No fraps for any fight because Bash is too lazy to fraps any attempts, even the farm bosses that we one-shot.



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