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ATR Associate
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Posts posted by Prydain

  1. Nefarian & Onyxia - 04/11/11


    Nefarian & Onyxia finally died for sure. This was a stressful fight because we had a 90% chance of Bash dc on a crackle. It all started on Sunday night when we finally were able to put decent attempts on Nefarian, reaching phase 3 by the end of the night. A couple of wipes at ~35%. One of the last attempts was on 11% but bash internet was just not letting us kill Nef. We reformed on Monday night and put a couple of attempts in, while missing two of our core raiders (thanks to Ulq and Tree for helping us out) we were able to down him.

    Here is the World of Logs from the night:http://worldoflogs.c...qjye0vdknxei2o/

    Fraps: http://www.atremains.c...pid_4719


  2. Just checking back again. I hope everyone has gotten at least 25 dailies on their main by now, it should look like this: http://img705.images...40111150103.jpg

    However I'm going to turn in my cooking daily and 2 from Dragonmaw that are not [bring Down the High Shaman] (that gives a lot more than the other 4) and get the 3 from Cursed Depths in TB when we win again.

    Alright, keep working on it guys and I will go now do 25 dailies on my shaman, if anyone wants to help me out since I'm resto pvp/pve heh.

  3. BIG THING HERE: EVERYONE SHOULD BUY THE GUILD BANNER BEFORE MONDAY - > Battle Standard of Coordination (300g, it's cheap so buy it!)

    and if you have spare gold ~350g you can buy the green and blue quality (They do not share the 15m cd, only the normal 2m)

    On Monday, April 4 All That Rem will be Guild Level 23, therefore removing the daily cap on guild experience. We have a lot of people in this guild so hitting the daily cap was never an issue, sometimes we would even hit it before afternoon which is great. There is a guild Feat of Strength achievement for being the first Level 25 guild on the realm, something I am trying to get guildies to support me.

    What I want from every member from ATR is that during this week before the 4th, is to do activities to get a ton of XP for the guild and try to race to 25 and geat a neat achievement. Here is a list of what you should do:

    • Complete 25 dailies; but do not turn it in, on your main character as well as any alt you have (even if they are 80 you can do Son of Hodir, Argent Tournament, etc). A good tip is saving up all the dailies in Tol Barad which should add up to ~20, (12 from TB, and 12-15 from the peninsula because those change dailiy), Therezane dailies (6-7) and if you have not unlocked those yet you can do 6 dailies for Dragonmaw Clan. I will have done all my TB dailies before the weekend so if you want to have 18 dailies from there just whisper me and I can share it. (Remeber you can turn in ALL TB dailies at the Base Camp in the Peninsula)
    • Be willing to join groups to chain run lvl 85, H 5 mans for a very nice chunk of XP
    • If you are planning on doing Loremaster of Cataclysm or any other, wait until next Monday to start doing it. All the quests provide a decent amount of guild xp.
    • Raids: We will get a HUGE amount of XP from doing raids. We have 3 10m running on Tuesday killing in total at least 35 raids bosses (Omnitron, Theralion and Valiona, Conclave, etc each boss gives xp, so 4,2,3 respectively)

    Just to give you an idea of how much each dungeon/boss/quest gives here is a post from the official forums:

    All XP numbers are 'per guildmate.' If you are in a four-guildmate guild dungeon run,
    multiply by 4 for total gain. In a 9 person guild raid, multiply by 9.
    I'll include a 'totals' section, in order of most XP per run.

    Instances (Normal):
    Grim Batol, Lost City, Halls of Origination Bosses: 24.8k
    Stonecore, Vortex Pinnacle Bosses: 18.2k
    Blackrock Caverns, Throne of Tides Bosses: 11.4k

    Per Instance (full group):
    Heroic Bosses: 37.2k
    H Halls of Origination: 1,302k
    H Deadmines: 1,116k
    H Blackrock Caverns: 930k
    H Shadowfang Keep: 930k
    N Halls of Origination: 868K
    H Grim Batol: 744k
    H Lost City: 744k
    H Stonecore: 744k
    H Throne of Tides: 744k
    H Vortex Pinnacle: 558k
    N Grim Batol: 496k
    N Lost City: 496k
    N Stonecore: 364k
    N Blackrock: 285k
    N Vortex Pinnacle: 273k
    N Throne of Tides: 228k

    Cooking, Fishing, Jewelcraft Dailies all yield 17,350 guild xp each
    Tol Barad dailies yield 17,350 guild xp each (all of them, even the group one) -> You can do this on lowbies as well and you should.
    Twilight Highland dailies yield 13,800 guild xp each
    Deepholm dailies yield 10,975 guild xp each - except for:
    Glop, Son of Glop yields 13,725 guild xp
    Ramkehan Daily gave only 8238 guild xp

    Lich King Daily Quests:
    17,350 Dalaran Fishing daily
    13,012 Dalaran Cooking daily
    5,512 Typical level 80 dailies such as King of the Mountain, Argent Tourney dailies, etc.

    Regular Quests:
    Of course regular quests give XP as well -- 25% of the amount you earn for your character (whether 85 or not) gets awarded to the guild. Typical quests in Mt. Hyjal for example award 27.7k XP, or 6,925 towards the cap. Typical quests in Twilight Highlands award 55.5k XP, or 13.8k towards the cap.

    Quests in low level zones award such a miniscule amount of XP towards the cap that it's not worth discussing.

    • BC raid bosses (Kara, Zul'Aman, Gruuls, Mags, SSC, TK, BT, Sunwell) award 6,835 Guild XP per character per boss. With 10 toons, that's 68,350 XP, for the 25man its 170875 xp
    • Heroic boss kills in Trial of Champions dungeon: 17,400 guild xp per player (same amount as a daily from TB)
    • For Sartharion, and the four bosses in Wintergrasp,etc; the boss kill awards 14,600 guild xp. That is 1460k XP for a full-clear/full-group VoA25

    Source: http://us.battle.net...pic/1536473693?

    More in-depth explanation: http://us.battle.net...pic/1965575069?

    This is the plan for Monday:

    • Turn in ALL your dailies with ALL your characters, even those lvl 12 alts can turn in the orgrimmar fishing daily
    • Do All Woltk raids on 25m except ICC/Halion: Naxx, Voa, Malygos, Sarth, ToC, etc
    • BC Raids doesn't give as much XP but it is still worth doing it
    • Split the 25m to do Wotlk H-5man to get more XP (87500 xp per boss with a full guild group)

    Plan for Tuesday:
    • Do 25 Woltk raids, Naxx+VoA will give a HUGE amount of XP with 25 people in the raid
    • Do your dailies again if you log on early and there's not a lot of people online
    • Or finish leveling that alt stuck at 81-84 for guild xp. (25% earned towards character XP goes to guild XP)
    • Split the 25m to do Wotlk H-5man to get more XP (87500 xp per boss with a full guild group)

    PS: If we do not get Realm First we will at least have before Tuesday night Mass Resurrection which is really nice.

    PS 2: Remember to do ALL your dailies before Monday to save time and instead run dungeons/raids.

    PS 3: If Patch 4.1 comes out please wait to run your ZA/ZG until we hit Level 25. Remember you can queue for those two (Random Cataclysm Heroic Tier 2) and you will not lose Valor Points because it is weekly (can you even run 7 Za/ZG on Friday and you won't fall behind with your VP)

  4. Ok, so after I got pissed wiping on Atramedes for dumb unknown reasons I decided to look at the logs very closely. This is what I came up with Sound Gained

    This shows how much sound people got. The part that I noticed wasn't right is Modulation giving different amount of sounds, sometimes it would give up to 15 more than double what is intended (7 as stated in the tooltip). So for some reason is either counting it as heroic or blizzard really screwed something up with that fight after.

    I'll leave other expressions that might be interesting to know:

    -Sonar Discs are non-proportional to your current sound (each hit/tick gives you 5 Sound no matter what)

    -Sonar Bomb, Searing Flames, Sonic Breath, Roaring Flame are proportional to your current sound level (the higher it is, the more sound you will get)

  5. My grp is the real Gorilla Tits since we decided to use an alternative name instead of Bigg Nips.

    But I'll list my grp in here as well just to have it clear.

















  6. Axe and Pwnzirocks were best at dodging sound (dying to devastation means sound was full):


    Hey, my name is not even there... *hint hint*

    Another one bites the dust! Where to next?

    I was planning on going Ascendant Council or Chimaeron next, but some people want to down Al'Akir which I'm not to keen on because of the random stats loot.

  7. Maloriak - 01/05/11


    This week started with a bit of bad luck on our side. We started working on Valiona and Theralion but one of our tanks; Varibash, would disconnect right after every pull. So we decided to switch raids and go for Maloriak.

    It took us a couple of attempts to fine tune the interrupts on Release Aberrations, which is where we struggled the most. When we were just about to call the raid we decided to go for a last attempt which was the kill, with 15 seconds left for enrage. Being the kiter was really fun on this fight, especially on the last phase.

    And here is the Logs from the raid: http://www.worldoflo...zrh1vr4uarrpt4/

  8. Omnitron Defense System &

    Conclave of Wind - 01/03/11


    After the 6% wipe from Wednesday, we decided to go back and give a couple of attempts at Omnitron Defense System. Right before we reached the 2 hour mark working on Omnitron we finally downed them, and I have to say it was a smooth kill. After the celebration I proposed to give Conclave of Wind a quick attempt just to get the jist of the fight. We went over the mechanics and the strat as well as making sure everyone know how to transition for the ultimates and we charged into battle.

    Surprisingly we did not have any trouble on Conclave of Wind killing them in our 3 attempt at 1am in the morning. Conclave of Wind is easy when you put it in comparison with Omnitron Defense System, and after spending over 10 unlucky attempts on Omnitron Conclave it was a walk in the park.

    Good job to everyone who took part of the kill, as well as those people who raided on Wednesday. Next week we are going to have a lot of fun working on Valiona and Theralion.

    World of Logs: http://www.worldoflo...zxe38xhh7zvzm8/

  9. <FONT face=Garamond><B><FONT size=6>Halfus Wyrmbreaker & Magmaw- 12/30/10</FONT></B></FONT><BR><A class=bbc_url title="" href="http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/9696/wowscrnshot122910221410.jpg" rel=nofollow><IMG src="http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9696/wowscrnshot122910221410.jpg"></A><BR><BR>After a numbers of wipes mostly trying to figure out how to deal with the Drakes we were able to successfully down Halfus.<BR>Grats to everyone who took part of the kill, many not sadly not included in the screenshot above.<BR><BR><BR>PS: Next week I will a screenshot of Magmaw kill. We downed him yesterday (12/29/10) and forgot to take a screenshot for the front page)

  10. Herald of the Titans is gonna be really tight to get before the expansion comes out, you have 5 weeks to farm the gear necessary for the achievement. However the achievement itself is not hard anymore with bigger health pools and the new physical mitigation changes that 4.0.1 brought. Same goes for Bane of the Fallen King.

    Put me in the list or I'll kill you

    PS I think the video effects for Cosmic Smashed is bugged and you can't see it at all

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