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ATR Associate
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Everything posted by Prydain

  1. Little tip on the orbs, they have unlimited range meaning that you don't have to be right on top of it. Regarding cloak/ams, I'm almost 100% sure they don't clear the seed debuff. However they do avoid you from taking damage, keeping your 100% concentration. You can also make the melee take some orbs during the cat orb phase depending on your strat.
  2. Not sure about 25m, but in 10m we bring all the fragments on top of the legs so the aoe hits the boss (and since it hits evenly the leg won't make a weird turn). This also allows melee to cleave them increasing dps on the boss. Don't forget that the Shards get a buff that increases their dmg done and dmg taken by equal amounts over time. So if you are getting overwhelmed by fragments focus on them first.
  3. I can't remember for sure, but I think the debuffs (Rend/Frenzy) last longer on heroic.
  4. Well I was planning on resuming H-Chogall. I'm trying to kill the same boss once until we get Glory of the Raider for all the consistent people (5-6) who come, and then do anything else the new people need. This is the full plan that I'm following: -H-Chogall -Sinestra -H-Conclave -H-Al'Akir -H-Council -Achievements (done on normal) The only time I would deviate from this plan is there is enough people for the night and the comp is not great (if 3 melee then might do H-Al'Akir instead of Cho'gall)
  5. I'm changing the day from Friday to Thursday to see if more people are online then.
  6. The run last night went fairly well despite the silly wipes due to people not focusing, probably because no one cared enough about H atramedes. So we did normal and got the achievement for not getting too much sound. But we were able to get H Magmaw, H Omnitron and H Maloriak for the people that did not have it yet. I'm continuing the run from Friday on Sunday and doing H-Nef and H-Cho'gall and then moving onto Sinestra . I will keep doing this run every friday but it will be a continuation until we down Sinestra, meaning if we don't get Dragonslayer this week, next week the only boss we are doing is Sinestra with an extended ID. If you want to come on this run you must be well geared for the content. Post here or whisper me in-game for an invite on the calendar. Also watch sinestra video and learn
  7. Congratulations to Theanarch for completing the first stage towards Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest. We are waiting for Wilistari to complete his quest. The 10 man downed Heroic Shannox the same day. Good job so far! Fraps:
  8. What is the problem with your WoW? Someone here might able to help you out.
  9. I am doing a Tier 11 Heroic run this Friday 12. It will be Chogall and Nefarian. Both of them are relatively easy with the current gear.
  10. You are thinking glyph of Death Wish, there is no way to remove the damage taken part of recklessness, but Ruff knows to keep me. We have bash be the floater with 3 feathers, so he can easily and quickly help out any grp that needs help. The stress is not as big as you think, ruff just spams divine light on me and I'm good for the duration of the trantrum. Also after my bird dies Ruff can help healing ghostwind, he is the one who usually gets hits hard and cant spend a lot of time dpsing, because he needs to DS a lot.
  11. My add usually dies 20s before the phase is over so i fly around the room with 3 feathers. But in all seriousness I do pop recklessness but I time it. I let the first trantum go full duration and let ruff know to spam heal me. When the next trantum comes I make the bird eat a worm and pop recklessness. Also, when I know I don't have to use all the worms (bird is at ~30% and I have 2 worms up) I let ghostwind knows because he gets rocked hard on this phase.
  12. The way I do worms is i pop recklessness and golemblood pot when they get trantrum for MAXIMUM VENGEANCE STACKS DPS
  13. Prydain

    Ragnaros Down!

    Fraps: http://www.atremains...-team-big-kids/ WoL: http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-jyr01e7zbfmwptfo/
  14. Prydain

    5/7 Firelands

    As always Bosen has a broken heart and is crying in the corner because bozack beat him in dps again. Good job on everyone in the 10 man to achieve 5/7 as well as the 25 man in downing Shannox. No fraps for any fight because Bash is too lazy to fraps any attempts, even the farm bosses that we one-shot.
  15. I just felt like the front page needed a new screenshot so here is from our first Heroic Maloriak kill displaying our awesome title. And yes I shamelessly stole Unholy's screenshot.
  16. I knew rebel was into sweaty shirtless guys, just listen to the way he talks
  17. Hey tanks & healers can now reliably interrupt.Bye bye hit rating on gear!!! yay!!!
  18. Prydain

    Nefarian down!

    Nefarian & Onyxia - 04/11/11 Nefarian & Onyxia finally died for sure. This was a stressful fight because we had a 90% chance of Bash dc on a crackle. It all started on Sunday night when we finally were able to put decent attempts on Nefarian, reaching phase 3 by the end of the night. A couple of wipes at ~35%. One of the last attempts was on 11% but bash internet was just not letting us kill Nef. We reformed on Monday night and put a couple of attempts in, while missing two of our core raiders (thanks to Ulq and Tree for helping us out) we were able to down him. Here is the World of Logs from the night:http://worldoflogs.c...qjye0vdknxei2o/ Fraps: http://www.atremains.c...pid_4719
  19. Realm First Level 25! After two long days of combined effort from every member in All That Rem
  20. Prydain

    Road to Level 25

    Mission Accomplished!
  21. Prydain

    Road to Level 25

    It is not for me though, It is for the guild. I just came up with the idea and organized it with Yacoub.
  22. Prydain

    Road to Level 25

    Just checking back again. I hope everyone has gotten at least 25 dailies on their main by now, it should look like this: http://img705.images...40111150103.jpg However I'm going to turn in my cooking daily and 2 from Dragonmaw that are not [bring Down the High Shaman] (that gives a lot more than the other 4) and get the 3 from Cursed Depths in TB when we win again. Alright, keep working on it guys and I will go now do 25 dailies on my shaman, if anyone wants to help me out since I'm resto pvp/pve heh.
  23. Prydain

    Road to Level 25

    BIG THING HERE: EVERYONE SHOULD BUY THE GUILD BANNER BEFORE MONDAY - > Battle Standard of Coordination (300g, it's cheap so buy it!) and if you have spare gold ~350g you can buy the green and blue quality (They do not share the 15m cd, only the normal 2m) On Monday, April 4 All That Rem will be Guild Level 23, therefore removing the daily cap on guild experience. We have a lot of people in this guild so hitting the daily cap was never an issue, sometimes we would even hit it before afternoon which is great. There is a guild Feat of Strength achievement for being the first Level 25 guild on the realm, something I am trying to get guildies to support me. What I want from every member from ATR is that during this week before the 4th, is to do activities to get a ton of XP for the guild and try to race to 25 and geat a neat achievement. Here is a list of what you should do: Complete 25 dailies; but do not turn it in, on your main character as well as any alt you have (even if they are 80 you can do Son of Hodir, Argent Tournament, etc). A good tip is saving up all the dailies in Tol Barad which should add up to ~20, (12 from TB, and 12-15 from the peninsula because those change dailiy), Therezane dailies (6-7) and if you have not unlocked those yet you can do 6 dailies for Dragonmaw Clan. I will have done all my TB dailies before the weekend so if you want to have 18 dailies from there just whisper me and I can share it. (Remeber you can turn in ALL TB dailies at the Base Camp in the Peninsula)Be willing to join groups to chain run lvl 85, H 5 mans for a very nice chunk of XPIf you are planning on doing Loremaster of Cataclysm or any other, wait until next Monday to start doing it. All the quests provide a decent amount of guild xp.Raids: We will get a HUGE amount of XP from doing raids. We have 3 10m running on Tuesday killing in total at least 35 raids bosses (Omnitron, Theralion and Valiona, Conclave, etc each boss gives xp, so 4,2,3 respectively) Just to give you an idea of how much each dungeon/boss/quest gives here is a post from the official forums: This is the plan for Monday: Turn in ALL your dailies with ALL your characters, even those lvl 12 alts can turn in the orgrimmar fishing dailyDo All Woltk raids on 25m except ICC/Halion: Naxx, Voa, Malygos, Sarth, ToC, etcBC Raids doesn't give as much XP but it is still worth doing itSplit the 25m to do Wotlk H-5man to get more XP (87500 xp per boss with a full guild group) Plan for Tuesday: Do 25 Woltk raids, Naxx+VoA will give a HUGE amount of XP with 25 people in the raidDo your dailies again if you log on early and there's not a lot of people onlineOr finish leveling that alt stuck at 81-84 for guild xp. (25% earned towards character XP goes to guild XP)Split the 25m to do Wotlk H-5man to get more XP (87500 xp per boss with a full guild group) PS: If we do not get Realm First we will at least have before Tuesday night Mass Resurrection which is really nice. PS 2: Remember to do ALL your dailies before Monday to save time and instead run dungeons/raids. PS 3: If Patch 4.1 comes out please wait to run your ZA/ZG until we hit Level 25. Remember you can queue for those two (Random Cataclysm Heroic Tier 2) and you will not lose Valor Points because it is weekly (can you even run 7 Za/ZG on Friday and you won't fall behind with your VP)
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