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Posts posted by Sazda

  1. anyone have any advice on our elegon attempts tonight? logs are up, curious for feedback :D

    ...and sadly the best option was for me to offspec dps, but apparently i wasnt backpacking so thats good.

    What percentage was the boss at when you wiped on those three long attempts?

    How many add waves do you guys manage to kill each time? (I would guess the problem is here)

    Do your guys still reset their stacks on last phase?

    What are you wiping to on the other tries?

    I do not know a lot about each single class to tell you what they are doing right/wrong (except hunters).

    Why is McGee playing SV for that fight?

    Why is Widow Venom part of Tychondris rotation?

    Both have room in terms of openers and CD usage. Hunters are all about using CDs correctly nowadays. Their talent choices are also not ideal for the fight.

    Please do not take this as an attack or me talking down on anyone. I am just trying to give a few hints so you guys can down Elegon quickly and move on to Emperor.

  2. Hunters:

    Binding Shot - 45s - (Soft CC)

    Stampede - 5m - (Soft CC with pets with stuns)

    Am I missing anything? The list for Mage and Hunter looks way too light.

    Let's see... this is gonna be a little all over the place.

    You can only use Binding Shot if you do not use Silencing Shot - depends a little on group comp

    Scatter Shot - 30s CD - can be used for interrupt on most mobs

    Silencing Shot - 20s CD - Interrupt and 3s no spellcasting

    Narrow Escape - webbing mobs on each Disengage.. situational use, you will probably want to spec into CTHC though

    Glaive Toss - 15s CD - 30% snare for 3s

    Ice Trap - 30s CD - AOE ground slow and 4s move prevention (for SV)

    Snake Trap - 30s CD - 4s move prevention (SV only)

    several pets have different single-target interrupts, disarms, roots, webs, stuns on relatively short CDs

    Intimidation - 3s pet stun

    Deterrence - varying CD depending on talents - I list this here, because you can use the hunter to taunt a mob (boss?) - to have him hit on the hunter for a few seconds while in deterrence so the tank gets a short break (glyph Deterrence)

    If you glyph Mirroring Blades, you got yourself a spell reflect (could be useful combined with the hunter taunt right before a cast)... I doubt that it really will be good/useful though.

    Bloodlust - if there is no other class to bring it

    Battle res - if there is no other class to do it as well

    So it seems like the only thing you can use hunters for are:

    A) insane AOE damage (as SV)

    A1) a lot of burst damage (more or less every minute - and a lot every 5 minutes when Readiness is up) AND sustained damage

    B) interrupts of casters

    C) last defense with Ice Trap/Snake Trap to stun (I think its more of a root actually) all targets for a few seconds while tank gets out to get healed up

    D) lots of utility (Pack for running for example), being able to kite the hard hitting mobs while others die etc etc

    E) tons of single target control

    I am probably forgetting a few right now, but it is a start :)

  3. You dont even understand what you are doing, which is the worst part.


    For example, last night when the raid started, you commented saying the timer starts at 8, while you were part right, the forum post you quoted ALSO says it starts whenever we start the raid, last night we started the timer around 730 and you made a fuss. Did you not see the 10 other people, not even officers, jump on you immediately and tell you to just stop?....

    "I STRONGLY encourage starting the DKP timer at 7.30pm SHARP. If people join the raid after 7.30pm, they will only get a % of the DKP. With 2 raid nights, we need to make sure people are online on time and ready to raid. We cannot allow anymore that raids start on average one full hour late like last raid tier. Please take this into consideration"

    YOU said that, that was your own quote.... and yet last night you argued with us when we started the timer @ 730...... saying it should be at 8. You are starting fights for the sake of it it seems.

    THIS is what this is about now? Are you kidding me?

    YES.. I am all in favor of starting the timer at 7.30pm. Thanks for finding the quote for me, otherwise I had to go get it. BUT, I was shut down back then. I aksed Snug (and other officers) why the timer is starting at 8pm and I was told "Because that is when our raid starts.... at 7.30pm is just doing trash".

    That is what happened. That was the final say back then. That is what I got used to - and surely others did as well.

    Then all of a sudden, the timer yesterday gets started shortly after 7.30pm. The raid was not full at that point, but members kept being added. I thought that an UNANNOUNCED change like this (for better or worse) is not correct - thus I stated my opinion. People being added after the timer started were screwed - I did not agree with that. Two times in a row we now had these kind of unannounced changes. Yes, I will say something. And yes I will listen to arguments against it - but I will give counter arguments if I think that your reasoning is just not right or complete. It was not.

    If you do not get that point then I feel sorry for you.

    Your feedback is valuable, but what the heck was bugging you so badly last night?

    If I say that here, Bash will probably go nuts... or explode or something, since he already went nuts. Feel free to catch me on steam later. Waiting for you to talk to me.

  4. I am not talking down to anyone. Simply stating facts that even you should be concerned about. (unless you thought that my rainbow village comment was talking down to you - in that case: grow some thicker skin).

    If you have nothing valuable to add to a post that is simply trying to help the raid - then how about: "do not post in it"? If all you care about is constantly attacking me and opposing everything I say - then who really is the person in this guild that has a problem?

  5. ...not perfect yet but we are getting there...

    You also live in rainbow village now? We are nowhere close to something called "perfect". Not even going into the direction of it.

    Remember the shoutbox before last night? Lots of people were not concerned.. "oh yeah he should be down tonight - i see no problem" And i was being called a downer for reminding myself that i should not put my hopes up too high. Fact is that we did pretty horrible last night. Looking at the overall boss DPS for each fight as well as the DPS on these adds - it is easy to see why. Many people seem to have no idea how to play their class. If an officer doesnt even understand boss mechanics - how do you expect the raiders to do that? If a healer makes more DPS than a DPS player on these adds - something is wrong. Last but not least: If some DPS players do 3-4 times the damage of other DPS players.. something is wrong there as well.

  6. Damage done to Sparks last night over all fights:

    Justicemaker 12002190 7.1

    Ghostsan 11357503 6.7

    Seihai 10971839 6.5

    Afksforbowls 10871277 6.4

    Varibash 10601396 6.2

    Mantra 9538836 5.6

    Rebelogic 9046281 5.3

    Unholyfaith 8588902 5.1

    Sonic 8492675 5.0

    Ninjagoddess 8114583 4.8

    Pikachu 7807737 4.6

    Sazda 7077735 4.2

    Heldarram 6822691 4.0

    Necrogemini 6504991 3.8

    Hauclir 6502664 3.8

    Talos 5730455 3.4

    Lampray 5174659 3.0

    Mastric 4142948 2.4

    Tourin 3866487 2.3

    Wilistari 3706007 2.2

    Foofkin 2613023 1.5

    Wiggles 2250645 1.4

    Mootnk 2142329 1.3

    Arixgorod 1313489 0.8

    Maurs 1220264 0.7

    Quilen 820842 0.5

    Offthechain 468432 0.3

    Water Elemental 450759 0.3

    Iaxeyou 422336 0.2

    Mindbender 407280 0.2

    Wild Imp 265774 0.2

    Beast 200691 0.1

    Greater Fire Elemental 100318 0.1

    Rune Weapon 85528 0.1

    Shadowy Apparition 75937 0.0

    Bloodworm 53739 0.0

    Chillr 21700 0.0

    Shadowy Apparition 20231 0.0

    Light's Hammer 12689 0.0

    Ghost Iron Dragonling 3722 0.0

    Adding hunter pet DPS to the hunters has:

    Sazda @ 12,808,190 #1 overall DPS

    Lampray @ 7,425,304 #13 overall DPS - if the Quilen is also Lamprays pet she is at: 8,246,146 #10 overall DPS

    You guys can see all the adds in the list. Here is also a link to this table so you can see it with colors and look at each individual fight:


    You go now and figure out the problems...

  7. I understand. It is the "more secure" strategy, but it definitely costs a nice chunk of dps time on the boss. I would say we go with your idea and see where we stand at the end of the fight. If the enrage timer becomes a problem, we know how we can fix it.

  8. talking about maximizing raid dps.. i added following line taken form icy-veins to the first post:

    Firstly, melee DPS players can stay in, without resetting their stacks for the first Celestia Protector death (and ensuing wow_icon_spell_arcane_blast.jpgTotal Annihilation cast). Death Knights can easily survive the Total Annihilation damage, even with as much as 15 stacks of wow_icon_spell_shaman_staticshock.jpgOvercharged, by using wow_icon_spell_shadow_antimagicshell.jpgAnti-Magic Shell. Other melee classes can use similar damage reduction abilities to survive.
  9. Well see, I agree with that. People make mistakes. Our officers do anything they can do improve the overall raid quality. We have some very intelligent and good people in the guild (includes every single person posting in these forums).

    Whenever I have a problem with something, I do voice my opinion. When I feel like I am hitting dead ends or like talking to brick walls, I get a little mad. I, however, do not go on a tirade and punch everything and everyone around me (verbally, physically or any other -ly). I try to reason and lay out my arguments. If I then still feel like I am being ignored or the situation is not dealt with as it should be in my opinion - I usually try to reason a few more times until I just fold and leave it be. If that very last option would happen more often than not, I would surely be looking for another guild. This is not the case here. You guys DO listen to arguments and for the most part DO help out and make things right. I am trying to do my part in this guild and also help out where I can. For me personally, that just goes far beyond doing dailies together and queueing dungeons for gear or crafting certain items for raiders with my mats. I am VERY keen on raid performance and every little detail that can improve that performance. May it be gear issues, enchants, reforges, gems, strategy, personal raid preparation, class research, raid awareness... you name it. I get annoyed when people screw up the simplest things - and I definitely get mad when people are treated differently (which I believe is what happened here). I stand by my point that Lamps and me got overcharged last night and we should get the DKP back (however much it was). If it does not happen though, then whatever - I don't really care anymore. It is how it is I suppose. At least I had to try to make it right. I am sure you will understand that. Snugg was the first poster who admit that mistakes by the officers happened last night. That really is most of what I was trying to get to. He did not take the default position of "opposing the guy who voices a negative opinion about us" like you Bash (no offense) often do.

    Even though I do not like the new system (less than the old one) you will put in place, at least you guys took the time and tried to come up with something different. I applaud you guys for doing that and trying to make things better for everyone.

    Ok, this was a little bit across the board. I truly believe that we all pretty much want the same things. Some of us just have different approaches to accomplish these.

  10. That is simply not true Unholy. It was never cleared up in the rules how bidding for two items work. You guys simply made up that we have to pay more than other people who bid on single items who also have no competition. I just applied the one item rule to a multiple item scenario. It is simply not fair to have Lamps and me (in this case) pay more than others... more than you last night.

    ...Because of you making a fuss over this...

    I am sorry I caused you trouble buttercup. I sincerely apologize that you had to use your brain to think about this situation and deal with it. I am also very sorry that I was the only person in the whole raid who has a problem with it. Or maybe I should say that I am sorry because I am the only one posting about it. Every non-officer I talked to about this last night completely agrees with me. It is almost comical how you are acting.

  11. If there were two of the same item, and you knew only you and lamps would be bidding on it, why you bid higher than min in the first place is beyond me.

    1) Because I did not know that only Lamps and me would bid on it

    2) Because I did not make any pre-arrangements for any items dropped so far

    3) Because according to the rules, overbidding is not punishing if you are the only person bidding

    All reasons I have stated before.

  12. @Unholy:

    This is not about a bid for one item, but for two identical items. Please re-read my posts above (yes, asking you again :P).

    for double items like that I am pretty sure the rule was, 2nd highest bid +1, is what both parties were charged.

    Do you really just like to make random nonsense comments now?

    From the rules:

    "The winner will be the person who bid the most DKP and they will be charged 1 DKP more than the next lowest bid."

    That is the only thing in the rules that comes close to explaining what happens during the bid process. That line is explaining how bidding for ONE item works out. Now if you have TWO IDENTICAL items, the line would/could read as follows:

    "The winners will be the persons who bid the most DKP and they will be charged 1 DKP more than the next lowest bid."

    Exactly stating what I am trying to explain.

  13. I must have missed something. What item are you talking about? You and Lamps both bid on it? What did you both bid, and what were you charged?

    Just read my previous posts here. It does not matter what we bid. We both got charged more than mind bid +1, even though there was no competition for the belts. 2 identical belts dropped, 2 people wanted them = no competition just like if one item drops and one person wants it.

  14. @saz that's why raiders collude..;)

    The point is, that we played by the system rules.. KNOWING we can overbid a lot BECAUSE we would pay min bid if noone else bids on it. That is how the system was set up (seemed to be set up). We got screwed because the system was not executed that way. I think what happened is that the loot master simply made a mistake. What makes me angry is that none of the officers are willing to admit that. I would have never bid so high if I knew that this would happen. Does anyone here understand that?

  15. That is great - as i said before. And thank you for understanding. My problem is still that I believe that I was overcharged last night and I would like to get my DKP back if possible.

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