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Posts posted by Sazda

  1. Also where do you get your stats on how close locks and hunters are?

    i looked at worldoflogs for every boss 10h and 25h for sv hunters and each of the lock specs...

    and i agree, i MUCH RATHER prefer having one spec that does it all over having to switch from fight to fight to get the best possible spec for that fight

  2. here are the numbers from our 7th try last night (the second longest), which was probably the best except some absolutely stupid mistakes people made: (http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-7d5r5q1e8jth7wnj/sum/damageDone/?s=9455&e=9834)

    The numbers in brackets are from last week... if there is no number in a bracket, it means he either wasnt there last week or its the same number. Green marked are the classes with the best increases in dps - which were responsible for the adds going down much faster this time (still not fast enough though).

    SV Hunters average 57 (52) k dps - #200 in the world is 66(65) k - thats 86 (80) %

    Ret Pally averaged 52 k - #200 in the world is 58k - thats 90 % (same as last week, however rebel increased from 90 to 93%)

    Combat Rogues average 45 (45) k dps - #200 in the world is 57k - thats 79% (althought big differences between both rogues) (same as last week)

    Arms Warrior did 50k dps - #200 in the world is 63k - thats 79% (same as last week)


    Affli - 47 (45) k - #200 is at: 54k - thats 87 (83) %

    Demo - 36k - #200 is at: 59k - thats 61% (i believe he was dead inbetween - not sure) (not there this time)

    Destru - 39 (26) k - #200 is at: 47k - thats 83 (55) %

    Elemental Shamans average 44 (43) k - #200 in the world is 56k - thats 79 (77) %

    Enhancement Shaman did 34k - #200 in the world is 60k - thats 63% (new this time)

    Shadow Priest did 45 (38) k - #200 in the world is 64k - thats 70 (59) %

    Fire Mages average 32 (29)k - #200 in the world is 80k - thats 40 (36) %

    Balance Druid did 31k - #200 in the world is 59k - thats 53% (new this week, also unenchanted items)

  3. oh to make this clear:

    Those numbers were taken from one of our logs only - the one where we reached enrage timer. Once we get a few more of those (whether we actually kill hi mor not - i will update this and see where the biggest increases are).

  4. this is the damage our classes do compared to the damage from the top 200 parses on worldoflogs:

    SV Hunters average 52k dps - #200 in the world is 65k - thats 80%

    Ret Pally did 52k - #200 in the world is 58k - thats 90%

    Combat Rogues average 45k dps - #200 in the world is 57k - thats 79% (althought big differences between both rogues)

    Arms Warrior did 50k dps - #200 in the world is 63k - thats 79%


    Affli - 45k - #200 is at: 54k - thats 83%

    Demo - 36k - #200 is at: 59k - thats 61% (i believe he was dead inbetween - not sure)

    Destru - 26k - #200 is at: 47k - thats 55%

    Elemental Shamans average 43k - #200 in the world is 56k - thats 77%

    Shadow Priest did 38k - #200 in the world is 64k - thats 59%

    Fire Mages average 29k - #200 in the world is 80k - thats 36%

    last but not least:

    Prot Warrior did 17k - #200 in the world is 19k - thats 89% (he also died a few times)

    Blood DK did 15k - #200 in the world is 22k - thats 68%

    Reading the data correctly:

    Obviously - the more damage a certain other class does in the AOE phase, the less damage there is to do for everyone else. So as people keep increasing their performance, their own dps might go down because adds simply die quicker than before. No one in the raid (dps wise) has any special tasks that would decrease their dps in any substantial manner compared to other players playing the same class (except snuggle/darkhunter with their turtle pet). So I would say it is fair to expect at least a 80% mark for each dps. As you can see above, most our classes are hovering just around that mark... which in return means they all have stuff they can do better in their rotation. However, the people doing less than that should seriously look into what they can do better as their dps needs more dramatic increases.

  5. judging by experience from last night - i think we can surely leave some/most meelee on the boss for the first slime... but, correct me if i am wrong, every slime after the first one always dies (or not at all) very shortly before the boss. Taking meelee off it would result in it reaching the boss

  6. i seriously do not mean to offend anyone, but rather trying to understand whats going on and maybe to start a discussion on how to do things better:

    Our mages were fire last night for this fight (afai could tell). My question is: How come that top fire mages in the world do between 90k & over 100k dps on this fight in 25h while ours do about a third of that? I cannot believe that this is simply due to gear issues. Are they using different skills or something?

  7. you are right... i could swear i thought there is a min range, but after you said it last night i tested it out again and there is none..

    furthermore: i have been doing some reading and it seems that if you multi shot off the boss, you will hit all the adds - so yes, apparently we can stack right in the middle (just dont lose your tagret and accidently click an add/a player)

    addition: ultraxion and madness work the same way with no min range - where as zonozz has a min range

  8. i used it every time i went below 50% during add phase (happens alot) and it seems to work out great... that cut in dps is much better than being killed and causing a wipe

    ... ad definitely better than having to deterrence

  9. I believe the meele and ranged zones are overlapping (similar to how it works with other bosses). We are standing in the middle of the pack when we stack - how hard can it be to make one step forward (if we even have to) to hit a raptor strike and then go one step back to continue aoe'ing? I suspect there to be a certain range where we can use raptor strike AND aoe. Either way - the damage mitigation is huge.

  10. I think we should all use this (none of our 4 raiding hunters has it at the moment). It is a major glyph and will not replace anything super important. Especially for fights like Yorsah'j it can make a huge difference during the AOE phase. The decreased incoming dsmage (-20%) will help our healers alot and increase our chances of staying alive. There are also many other applications in DS where this can be useful.

  11. assuming we are doing this tonight (yay) - are we extending the raid lock again or do you want a full clear?

    i personally still need some achievements and heroic kills, but i would prefer to extend the raid lock to have more quality time with lil raggamon^^ either way is fine for me of course

  12. dont worry - there will be plenty of time to explain everything... and obviously you are welcome to join us on vent. I am one of the other hunters, so if you have any questions that are easy to answer and dont need some officers time - feel free to ask me ingame.

    as said in the shoutbox - we do the stacking method

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