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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. Gotta work from 8:30PM till whenever I finish. Sorry bros. I wanted to work things out so I could go in later (like, you know, at 11) but it didn't work out.
  2. Stop making up excuses and do this already Mastric.
  3. Lyntha

    Snugg 6/11

    Something came up last minute and I won't be on. My priest is saved for DA start and moot can use it to start raid before swapping to his warr, just have him call me.
  4. Lyntha


    Haha, it's funny, because he's not
  5. Hey all. I'm looking to gear up my XP locked lvl 80 shaman for Herald of Titans, which requires farming Ulduar 25. Is anyone else willing to farm it with me? We would do 2 runs weekly in a row, one on my 90, one on your 90, alternating which lvl 80 alt comes up. Anyone? Or perhaps I could just pay someone a little bit of gold to run my alt through ulduar 25. That works too.
  6. Howdy peeps. I gotta work night shift on 6/4/13 and will probably be at least late, if not miss the raid entirely .
  7. And shit's fine so it's he.
  8. His balance druid alt: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/skullcrusher/Z%C3%A9roz/advanced It's not raid ready yet, but he's close. Another couple of weeks of LFR's and Random Heroic Scenarios and he should be ready for the farm bosses.
  9. Nobody can replace Pika! Plus, he's vanq token so who gives a shit.
  10. These are all excellent points, thank you very much. This makes me think of the pros/cons of moving to a different server quite differently now.
  11. Soul Fire, Burning Rush are also affected
  12. When I first tried it, I was very disappointed because you had to cheese the fight so much with LOSing your pit lord to avoid the felpuppy dispel (Unless you have ridiculous gear to burn through them) and abusing the demonic gateway portal debuff. Now that I've finished it however, I am very happy with the overall feel of the fight. Once you just accept that you gotta do those things, it comes down to a very tight mechanics check and you have to manage a LOT of things at once. Towards the end, I even had to manually swap my pit lord to the doom lord to keep aggro on them as I would overtake my PL's threat with AOEing the imps. In the end, you have to manage a LOT of things at once and it was really fun. Now that I've done it at 482 ilvl, I'm definitely sure that it can be done at a lower ilvl. Mastric and Vile, you guys really gotta try it. In the end, it WAS a lot of fun and my heart was pounding at the end. I can't remember my heart pounding this much in WoW since progression raiding back in BC. If you guys are struggling on it at all, I'd love to give you guys some pointers. @Vile: The motivation is that it's a lot of fun and it's still something that I see rarely, and only then do I see really good locks have it. Definitely worth doing imo. Also, the green fire changes like everything fire/demon wise. New Demon Form? Check. Green Fire icons? Check. Hell, even your burning rush flames become green. It's very cool .
  13. Lyntha


    Ahhh, I see. Tasty Beverage was the top alliance guild on BH back in the day and were top 20 US competitive back when they were raiding. I joined as a casual late WOTLK and raided with them for a bit early Cata before they fell apart. http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/bleeding-hollow/Tasty+Beverage/rating.tier10_25 My buddy used to be their MT, he'd been in a ton of top US guilds and it was hilarious because every guild he joined fell apart within 1-2 tiers of him joining, even extremely established guilds that had been around since Vanilla. Also, moving this topic to a different forum since it's not an app.
  14. So I just finished the green fire quest today at 482 ilvl and I was curious what everyone else's ilvl was when they finished.
  15. Lyntha


    Very cool, thanks. You been on Bleeding Hollow long Darizz? I used to raid with Tasty Beverage before they fell apart
  16. Read my post above. One of the prospective transfer servers is Arthas. They have a rich and vibrant raiding community. They have 17 active 25m raiding guilds past Jinrokh. Skullcrusher has 4. They have 85 10m guilds with at least tortos down. Skullcrusher has 21. There's just a bigger pool of players. 2 day guilds aren't too common. If any of those people in the other guilds wanna step down and do some casual 25man raiding, we're a great place to go.
  17. Snuggle these days: In all seriousness, I'm behind whatever you do Bash. I personally think that other options that are less destructive should be explored. With that being said, other options may not work or be viable and the writing has been on the wall with Skullcrusher for a while. Whatever happens, I'm with you guys. If you guys do move server, were you looking at staying PVP or going PVE? I see no reason to stick to a PVP server as it's inconvenienced us more than anything, but what do you guys think?
  18. You two are part of the problem!! Why, because we stopped raiding? I'm sorry, but I got RL stuff going on and needed a break, which is the same thing that happened with Unholy and Rebel. I'm always considering when I can come back and do what I did before. I don't know when that'll be. Pikachu has to work a job where he works nights. Same with Chex, same with Chartul, same with Icemaker. I don't know what happened with the burns but almost all of the recently departed players just literally cannot make the raids anymore. We're a mature guild and our members have responsibilities and things to take care of. It's what makes the guild great but also makes it volatile. Very few players leave this guild for another guild and the few players who do are typically guys who just wanted a more hardcore experience to match their play style (Sazda, Berms), which we cannot offer them. I think that we were our strongest in late Cata and early MOP because we had so many talented officers who did so much for the guild. Nowadays, a lot of those officers are no longer raiding and Bash is carrying the whole thing on his shoulders. He needs help. Either the officers who left need to come back (I'M POINTING AT YOU LYNTHA!) or we need to find more members who are willing to put in the same time and effort that Bash is. Even if we change servers, it won't solve the core issues that this guild is built on having multiple officers who each contribute in their own way, not having one or two guys who do almost everything when it comes to active in-game leadership. By the way, I don't mean to demean the other officers who do other things for the guild. We all know that Thundere helps with raid leading, Mastric does site and DKP things (Same with Unholy) and Gump takes care of overall guild policy and management. But now that me and Rebel are more or less not there to actively support the raid and recruit, there's not too many people who are doing the more "Active In-Game" responsibilities such as raid-leading and recruiting.
  19. Maybe man, but Skullcrusher isn't a special snowflake. If you're saying that a lot of people have left the game and there's a lot of dead characters on the server, it's going to be like that on all servers. Skullcrusher has a big enough population that its population activity should reflect that of WoW in general. So let's assume you're right... Skullcrusher IS a dying server and there's a ton of alts or characters who no longer play or don't raid. If that's true, it's going to be the same case across all servers, with few exceptions. This means that the census data I linked above is still relevant. If you want a higher-pop server, you have to move into one of the servers in like the top 1 or 2% of horde population. I mean, that just doesn't sound right that we are near the top in terms of horde population yet we are having recruiting issues. Are all the realms below us in pop just completely screwed then? Wouldn't we know about an issue that massive? I still think that recruiting is the issue, and it's not your fault bash. How many of the officers even do recruiting any more? It used to be me, you and Rebel. Rebel stopped recruiting when work stuff took up more of his time and I stopped recruiting hard late Cata when I took my first short break and stopped playing as much. Since then, it's been just pretty much you. Now that you're raid-leading too, that's too much for one person. EDIT/UPDATE/ICANTSHUTUP: I like analyzing data. To see if I was right, I took a look at one of your possible transfer destinations: Arthas. Arthas is the #1 server with horde population that's still PVP-EST. They have about twice as many horde characters on the server than skullcrusher. They also have an almost identical Horde to Alliance ratio, with twice as many alliance as skullcrusher as well. In T11_25, they had 25 25m raiding guilds, 2 more than SC: http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/arthas/rating.tier11_25 In T14_25, they now have 17 25m raiding guilds (Im not counting 1/12 guilds, anyone can kill jinrokh), compared to SC's 4: http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/arthas/rating.tier15_25 Certainly seems more active. Let's take a look at 10m guilds. They have 85 guilds at least 4/12, versus our server's 21 guilds. Arthas: http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/arthas/rating.tier15_10 SC: http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/skullcrusher/rating.tier15_10 So I take back what I said. You were right, SC IS a dying server. For our population, we should have at least twice as many raiding guilds, if Arthas is a half-decent benchmark.
  20. It might be a good choice for the guild in the long term, which is why Bash is bringing it up but short-term is going to be absolutely brutal. Also, Skullcrusher is NOT a dead server. Take a look at this site: http://wow.realmpop.com/us.html According to that, there are 70,000 characters on Skullcrusher, placing us in the top 50% of server population. There ARE some servers which are 2 or 3 times as full, but they're very rare. Most servers are right around the 70,000 mark. Also, this doesn't take into account that Skullcrusher is a horde-dominant server. If you sort by just Horde, we are amazingly, # 28 in horde server pop out of 246 servers. If we further limit that to EST PVP american servers, it places us at # 4 in horde server pop. So I say again, it's not the server that's the problem.
  21. GM's don't just move entire guilds. They have a paid guild transfer feature, but it only transfers the GM and the guild itself (Gold, gbank, level, achievements, etc). If anyone wants to xfer to be with the guild after it moves, they have to pay for a normal transfer. It should go without saying that this would be cost-prohibitive. Whatever we stand to gain from xferring guilds will be offset by the fact that surely not everyone will xfer their characters. It might be a good long-term decision, but I don't see how it wouldn't kill the guild's raiding ability in the short-term. We might get enough people to xfer to make up a 10man raid, but that's it, and this guild structure is built off of being a 25man guild. Also, we have a LOT of casual players and our raiders have a LOT of alts. These people will get left behind. I personally don't think it's a good idea unless there was some option to xfer EVERYONE at once, but I don't think that such an option exists. The only exception is if we took advantage of a free character transfers, but that only happens from High pop to low pop realms. Addendum: I think that the server isn't the issue. The issue is that Bash is the only person who does recruiting, and he can only do it so long before he gets worn out. Me taking a break and causing him to have to raid lead as well surely isn't helping his motivation to put in all the extra time needed to recruit. We need more people to step up and help out with recruiting. That being said, if the guild moves, I WILL move with it, but I won't like it. I made my home here and consolidated all of my alts here (A VERY costly endeavor to the tune of about $300) so I won't be happy leaving.
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