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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. It seems neat but for full effect, we would have to have EVERYBODY use it. Otherwise for our normal raider, it's more or less the same as using macros, but shareable. I say we give it a shot.
  2. That guy was definitely badass on our kill attempt. The ones before? Wiping us like crazy!
  3. We missed you Muln! But we did have literally every single other healer we had in on the fight. Even then, DPS was awesome. Great job everyone.
  4. New Macros: Thok 1: /rw Thok CD's - Stack Phase 1 + 3 /rw Wave 7: Group 1 CD's /rw Wave 13: Group 2 CD's /rw Wave 19: Group 3 CD's, Yarn Bop Nerita and Jlogg /rw Wave 24: SLT JLOGG /rw Wave 25: Stack + Ninja Smoke Bomb Thok 2: /rw Thok CD's - Stack Phase 2 + 4 /rw Wave 5: Group 4 CD's + Arma AMZ, Ice BOP Red and Lyntha. Red go ham with AG /rw Wave 8: Group 5 CD's + Varkul AMZ, Ansky Bop Yourself and Summa /rw Wave 13: Dagoda SLT /rw Wave 14: Stack + Lyntha RaidBubble Officer Thok 1: /o Thok CD's - Stack Phase 1 + 3 /o Wave 7: Group 1 CD's /o Wave 13: Group 2 CD's /o Wave 19: Group 3 CD's, Yarn Bop Nerita and Jlogg /o Wave 24: SLT JLOGG /o Wave 25: Stack + Ninja Smoke Bomb Officer Thok 2: /o Thok CD's - Stack Phase 2 + 4 /o Wave 5: Group 4 CD's + Arma AMZ, Ice BOP Red and Lyntha. Red go ham with AG /o Wave 8: Group 5 CD's + Varkul AMZ, Ansky Bop Yourself and Summa /o Wave 13: Dagoda SLT /o Wave 14: Stack + Lyntha RaidBubble Mass Dispels: /rw Phase 2 Mass Dispels: /rw #1: Lyntha /rw #2: Ftfk /rw #3: Nerita /rw #4: Crispy /rw #5: Summa
  5. We've had dual spec for so long, I forgot how much it sucked not having it. But yeah, definitely. Some talents make a huge difference. If I didn't constantly change my T6 talents, I'd lose anywhere from 10 to 40 percent healing on some fights.
  6. I change talents depending on the fight already. For some reason, Priest Tier 6 talents are all extremely powerful but work vastly differently. Stack fight? Here we come, Divine star. Stack loosely? Hello Halo. Spread all apart? Time to cascade. I also have run a holy offspec for the last few weeks just to min/max on holy friendly fights (Pretty much just Malkorok). Yeah, I get what you're saying though.
  7. If a 10man isn't run, I would be highly surprised. There might even be two 10mans running.
  8. I find it funny how all of this stuff that's been recently discussed isn't really that applicable to healers. Healing is 90% skill, intuition and learning the damage patterns of fights. No simcraft for healing.
  9. Not only is he a balance druid, he's a balance druid that tanked when we needed him too.
  10. I use weakauras for healing even. It's so configurable. Just look up what other warlocks are doing with Mastric.
  11. That's actually a REALLY good idea bud. I assume you mean like "Group 1 pop CD's now!" *Five seconds later "Group 2 pop CD's now!" etc We will lose some measure of control over when each individual CD gets popped but I think that it would be much easier to control and avoid having such complicated macros like mine above. I think that to give a measure of control over the groups, I could tell the people within the groups to stagger their CD's a bit like I'm doing with HoP + Devo. So it'd be like "Group 1 when you pop your cd's, wait 5 seconds before you HoP people and Shammy wait five seconds before you pop your HTT". etc. I am definitely gonna try that on our next night of attempts unless the officers object. I can't say if it will work, but if it DOES work, it will be much better than our current system. If we were to use a system like that, it would have to be 3 stronger groups in P1 and 2 weaker groups in P2, spread at the following points: 7: Group 1 13: Group 2 19: Group 3 24: SLT 25: Stack Then for stack phase 2, it would be: 5: Group 4 9: Group 5 15: Stack Stack 3: 5: Group 1 10: Group 2 15: Group 3 19: SLT 20: Stack
  12. Ok, thanks for the update. I'll fix. Also everyone I'm just putting forward a plan. I am honestly amazed at how quickly everyone picked this all up. I have an addon that tracks raid cooldowns (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bl_cooldown) and when we were popping everything in P1, I would literally see every single CD used in P1. Nobody was missing a cooldown. Also, to everyone that was whispering me all night with suggestions or changes, thank you. My apologies if I seemed a bit unresponsive at times but I had a lot to work on. Now that we have a good starting place to work off of, things should be a lot smoother
  13. You're definitely there. Good at getting tank buff, bad at using the WoL site. http://www.worldoflogs.com/rankings/players/US-EU/Siege_of_Orgrimmar/Spoils_of_Pandaria/25H/Protection_Warrior/?page=2 Edit: I should clarify that the rankings are done by region. You're #60 of all prot warriors in US+EU, not worldwide. I don't trust worldwide rankings. The chinese and korean guilds always found exploits and ways to cheese the rankings. US+EU is much more consistent.
  14. Yeah dude, check it out: http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-k6wlva4547w6i26u/dashboard/?s=8174&e=8703 You're now ranked #61 of prot warriors on that fight. You went ham with the tank buff on both sides.
  15. Our side kicked ass. Ward also ranked. That's what'll happen when you have healer/tank buffs both time I guess.
  16. With literally 0 seconds to spare. Great job everyone!
  17. I will be driving up from Pittsburgh on I-79N then getting onto I-90E and take that to Brant. Anybody is welcome to tag along on my route as well.
  18. Have fun Muln! We'll all be dying from lack of leet heals but we'll otherwise be fine when you're gone .
  19. The old officers are well aware that I work an IT job where I am on-call once every 10-12 weeks. That time has come again and I'll be on-call from 6-2 to 6-9. On one hand, our call volume for after-hours week has been down significantly from a year or two ago thanks to a lot of capital projects that upgraded our infrastructure. On the other hand, I now support another entire facility. I'm now expecting to be pulled away but if a page comes in, I may have to excuse myself for a few minutes or leave entirely if I can't solve the problem remotely.
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