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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. Can you guys tell that I like alliteration? Prior to doing the world bosses on Wednesday, I'd like for us to work together and spam dungeons/invasions this Tuesday. Everything for 5-mans is going to be ad-hoc for the time being, but try to be on Tuesday if you can so we can form some killer groups for challenge mode groups and heroic spam groups, not to mention invasion gold groups. See you guys then!
  2. I am going to throw a group together for world bosses (Hopefully) this Wednesday. Be on during normal raid time (7:30PM EST) to participate. If more than 40 people want in, we'll make multiple groups. It's not a big deal if you kill it before without your guild... There's no guarantee that the boss will be up and killable when we try Wednesday. This first week is a trial event. But consider this our first raid of WoD!
  3. Check out the following guide: http://www.wowhead.com/guide=2688/gearing-up-in-warlords-of-draenor Let me dumb down what you need to be doing daily/weekly: One-time Event: Legendary Ring - 640 to start, 680 at first upgrade Daily: Challenge Mode Daily - You get a piece of 640 loot for the daily quest just for completing a challenge mode, even if you take forever and only get bronze. Weekly: Invasions! You get ilvl 645 loot for completing invasions on gold. To do so, you will need a party of 3 people. Invite some friends to your garrison! World Bosses - There are three world bosses Other than that, your best options are spamming heroics for ilvl 630 gear and doing profession based stuff but the link breaks it all down for you.
  4. Why is your avatar a ram?
  5. Lyntha

    14/14 Mythic Cleared

    Who got the mount on our first kill?
  6. Lyntha

    14/14 Mythic Cleared

    Sorry for being salty everyone. I'm really happy for you all! A little bit of Snugg history. I wear my conqueror of Naxx title because I was in a super hardcore (6 days a week) raiding guild when I was between jobs and had time to spare. I was there every day for half a year. One day I had an interview and had to miss one raid. That raid was the raid that my raid team got the immortal title in Naxx from beating all bosses with no deaths. We'd been trying for it for months. I missed it. They never got the title again. This happening to me again is why I'm salty. I don't want to come in for farm kills, I want to be there for the guild first. And I missed it.
  7. Lyntha

    14/14 Mythic Cleared

    Goddamnit. I miss one fucking raid, and you guys kill heroic Garrosh. Seriously, fuck.
  8. Media Center is a generic term. You could have meant a smart TV's built-in media server capabilities, some portable PC (Think mac mini), a PVR system, a Windows Media Center PC, etc. Either way, cool. We have been using a Roku 3 for a while and just love it.
  9. That's your DLNA server. I use Mediatomb on a linux server with 6tb of space: http://mediatomb.cc/ What do you use to actually play back the content?
  10. But forward compatibility man! And home media. You don't have a roku or anything?
  11. Yeah, I was going to mount 802.11ac POE AP's in the ceiling but decided against it - it'd be overkill. Decent 802.11ac routers are $150+ and POE+ ones are much more expensive. It's so much cheaper to just do non-POE equipment. What model AP did they give you?
  12. I just ordered a bunch of networking equipment for my new house. But my uncle will be taking care of the work, not me. Going to convert a linen closet to a network closet then run 24 ports of CAT6 cabling throughout my house. My house is small enough with short enough runs (Less than 100 feet) that I could upgrade my network core to 10G in the future and the existing Cat6 cabling would support it. You only need Cat6A if you are going longer distances. What cabling are you running Mastric?
  13. Near the end, it definitely goes from "Still looks like a lot of work to do" to "Holy cow, it's done already?" very quickly.
  14. ATR downed Heroic Paragons thanks to Jim playing Lyntha via voice commands with some sweet ass void shifts mixed in there for shits and giggles. Way to go Jim! Everyone else did awesome too .
  15. From the album: Random

    We killed him yay
  16. Lyntha

    Exodus LAN 2015

    Maybe it's 48 hours of hardcore gaming spread over 3 days? That's 16 hours a day. Seems plausible.
  17. My favorite part is: "Your target is dead" "Your target is dead" I like to think that Armadeadon was still hacking away at Siegecrafter's corpse, in disbelief of it actually being dead. Yes, Arma, he's dead. No, Arma, you don't need to keep hacking away at his joints. Yes, Arma, I realize that the joints are nature's weak spots but seriously you already dismembered two of his limbs, pretty sure he's dead!
  18. Siegecrafter died while fighting ATR on 9/24/14 as a result of a terrible saw-blade related accident. So much blood. Magnets, Fires, Mines, Lasers and Electricity may have been involved as well. We were all too busy dancing around dodging 8 million different environmental hazards to really notice what actually happened. I forgot to take a kill pic so I grabbed a pic from Arma's stream. Deal with it.
  19. From the album: Random

    ATR Heroic Siegecrafter 10m kill - I forgot to take a kill pic
  20. I'm sure that FTFK does. He'll take over for us there. I am also researching alternative strategies for siegecrafter.
  21. Hey there Roq. Thanks for the explanation but I want to make it clear that this is not necessary. While the officers do appreciate some measure of explanation for why a raid is missed, it's only so that we can try to identify patterns and recruit appropriately. If a person keeps missing with BS excuses, we know to recruit to replace that person for example. You don't need to explain with that level of detail why you're missing, but thanks! We do expect our raiders to commit to raiding regularly the two days a week that we raid, but we have excused absences for this exact type of scenario - something happens once a year and you go to it. That's understandable. We all appreciate your commitment to the game but don't feel guilty for living a little.
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