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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. I've raided with you guys for 3 weeks now. Never knew a Varkul.
  2. Haha, I never thought I'd hear somebody apologize for missing raid BECAUSE THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED.
  3. Just explain to your superiors that you have internet dragons to kill and plunder. They'll understand.
  4. From the album: Random

    My Futon, TV and Classic Games Systems

    © Snugg 2014

  5. From the album: Random


    © Snugg 2014

  6. From the album: Random

    My Desk

    © Snugg 2014

  7. Lyntha

    This Dude Be Dead!

    The icemaker is back? How long have I been gone for?!?!?!
  8. Bash you're no longer raiding in the 25m??? Who the heck is leading the raid now?
  9. Did you guys kite him around for 1 minute while he was enraged as well?
  10. The attendance spreadsheet is actually supposed to be in use by Heldarram.
  11. How is the lock-specific UVLS nerf working out?
  12. Great job. I knew that it'd be a fight where once you got gear, it was much easier and the enrage wouldn't even be an issue. Blizzard CONSTANTLY makes the mistake of tuning add fights too tightly. It's like this: Super Badass Elite Guild who does PTR raiding downs this patchwerk boss in 10 minutes. The average raider does 30% less than super badass elite guild raiders so we'll put the fight live with 30% less HP! Next fight! Oh, here we go. Super Badass Elite Guild who does PTR raiding downs this add fight in 10 minutes... 30% less HP it is! They don't realize that this doesn't make sense. Reducing the HP of the boss and adds by 30% would probably more than half the time it takes Super Badass Elite Guild to do the fight, because they spend less time on adds and more time on boss than before, meaning that a greater percentage of their DPS time goes into killing a boss that had their HP reduced as well. The inverse applies to more casual and lesser geared raid groups. They spend MORE time on adds than the elite guilds meaning less time for boss DPS. It spirals from there. It seems like this happens EVERY tier (HORRIDON) but they keep making the same damn mistake. Anywho, gratz.
  13. woohoo, gratz! Pretty easy kill with the extra gear with everyone alive for the final burn, or was it still close?
  14. It depends on when you go down, again. The only applicable fight to look at a glance and say "That person did better than me on DPS" is fallen protectors, and that fight is still skewed because you have 3 bosses up the whole time making multi-dot classes/specs shine. I was just dotting everything up and otherwise doing terribly (as it was a new fight and I was trying to watch and make RL calls) and did almost 150k dps with no legendary cloak or anything as afflic.
  15. Excellent post DZT! This is exactly what I meant when I said that you need to analyze the data and not just look at it at a glance. The one thing that's excellent analysis is taking a look at how long they flatline because that's how long they're in the trial. This is VERY relevant information and one piece that we're actually behind on. Unfortunately, we can't just "Not send them in" because we need to send them all in to make the enrage. All of our DPS need to be out and at 0 sanity for the burn phase. However, if we can send them through faster, we not only do more DPS (We get more adds out and the adds take full damage from 75 sanity players - 0 Sanity players do extra damage to the adds too, and all damage the adds take get xferred to the boss) but we also start the burn phase sooner. It's a win/win. I can't check it now because graphs are disabled but it's worth looking into later.
  16. Maybe your one new roommate doesn't know how to cap his bittorrent speeds? If he doesn't cap his upload, you'll get awful packet loss and ping.
  17. Yeah that fight is 100% useless as far as DPS meters go. For one, there's different realms. For two, the people who go down first not only do full damage to the boss, they also do extra damage to the adds, compared to the people who don't go down as soon and do half damage to the boss and normal damage to the adds (They'll do 75% less if they soak a void orb then someone else grabs their portal down). They get a huge dps buff when others don't. So it's a useless comparison.
  18. On which boss? On fallen prot, unholy and gump were both low but they both were dead for a good portion of the fight. Gump's DPS was very good when he was alive but he was dead for 40% of the fight. Unholy's DPS should have been higher given that it's a DOT friendly fight, but he was still doing OK when he was alive but he was dead for 18% of the fight. Mastric was the only one that was too low for his gear and up for the whole fight. It's important to remember that this is the first week. We're learning new fights, learning new mechanics etc. Let's see what next week's fallen prot kill looks like and we'll go from there. The other two fights aren't even worth looking at because DPS between characters isn't comparable at all because of the fight.
  19. We know how to do Norushen, people were just making individual mistakes. The fight is tuned tightly enough that we couldn't have people dying and people would fail a trial or get meleed by the add or something similar. A little bit more DPS would be helpful but it wasn't a huge issue. Just making it through flawlessly was the demand, it's a tough fight. @Bash: WoL is helpful but take it with a grain of salt. For Immerseus, there is a huge period of burst at the beginning followed by nothing, followed by add burst (And sometimes you'd be able to AOE adds, favoring classes with quick AOE, like shammies), followed by burst, etc. Classes with burst potential would do phenomenal here whereas dot classes would do poorly. For Fallen Protectors, multi-dot classes have a big advantage over classes that can't multi-dot. For Norushen, the guys who go in to do DPS trials first then tunnel the rest of the fight have a HUGE advantage over the people who go later, so DPS doesn't even matter. If you want to take a look at valid DPS numbers, take a look at fallen prot but it's still not a perfect representation of everyone's DPS potential and their individual contribution to the raid. Also, remember that not all of our members are equally geared. Some people are missing things like set bonuses, legendary cloaks etc. Compare similarly geared people in the same class or with the same playstyle, not the top dps to the bottom DPS. I'm all for constructive criticism but remember that data alone without knowing how to analyze it correctly is NOT useful at all.
  20. Moot, you're a nice guy but you gotta call them and just start bitching up a storm till they fix it. It's unacceptable for your internet to be unusable. Are there ANY other options for internet in your area? I ask to see if you have any leverage for them.
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