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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. Lyntha


    Yeah, it's optional. Thanks for the heads up but no posts are needed until after the new years when we officially start back up.
  2. The rest of the world uses the format Day - Month - Year. Because it makes sense. America uses Month - Day - Year for some reason.
  3. He's not fixing anything, he's building his own parser from scratch. It might take a bit.
  4. No. EPGPWeb doesn't work well and needs updated. The in-game EPGP addon works fine. Lumi and whoever else may not show up on EPGPWeb, but it's an optional, supplemental thing. Like most loot addons, the EP and GP values for every member are stored in-game in the officer notes and shared out via the EPGP addon. Anyone should be able to see their own EP and GP values in-game by using the "EPGP (DKP Reloaded) addon.
  5. Aren't you raiding with Bash's group?
  6. I think there's a display bug. Lumi definitely has EP. Probably his special characters. I'm gonna defer to Mastric on both of these questions. Let's summon him. I'll start. Mastric
  7. Some people had some questions about EPGP last night, such as how it determines GP values, and how your PR is calculated. For a general run-down of the system, see this: http://www.epgpweb.com/help/system For information on the GP formula, see here: http://www.epgpweb.com/help/gearpoints Click the links on the side for more information. Everything is well documented! You can see everyone's EP/GP standings here: http://www.epgpweb.com/guild/us/Skullcrusher/All%20That%20Rem%C3%A0ins/
  8. Now that we got the first raid out of the way, we got a much better idea of who will be offspeccing, and what. Right now we have 6 great healers, 5 of which are veterans and will almost assuredly be around. Kansir is the only newer guy. We want 6 healers for Mythic so we are going to stick with those guys playing healer main. Me and Muln will both play DPS Main Spec with a healer offspec and will heal as needed. Some of the more difficult heroic bosses will require up to 8 healers if we do it with 30 people so we are prepared. Mythosaur is the only tank offspec. We still want the following offspecs: 1 More Melee DPS playing Tank Offspec 1 Healer playing Ranged DPS Offspec If you are interested, let me know.
  9. Pretty sure he is. If he isn't, I will handle loot.
  10. You talked to me about wanting to make this your offspec. I misunderstood our conversation. I will remove you for now. Let me know if you get geared up and familiar and whatnot. Did we have this discussion Sunday morning? I've got to be honest I don't remember it at all. I think so. You asked me which offspec would be more needed. I stated that tanking would be more important for us right now and you said you'd build towards it.
  11. I wanted to clarify the roles of each officer for WoD so everyone knows who to talk to when they want to bitch about a particular thing. It's important to keep in mind that the officers all work collaboratively to achieve the guild's goals but some of us specialize in certain areas. I wanted to make this post to clear up what we each specialize in. Ftfk - Nickname "Jim" - Jim will be the primary raid lead for now and will primarily handle overall raid strategy as well as Melee DPS strategy. Lyntha - Nickname "Snugg" or "Snuggel" or "Snuggelbunny" or "Preschool Teacher" - Snugg will assist Jim with raid leading where necessary and will also primarily handle group composition and healer strategy. Whine to him if you want to sit (if not currently sitting) or not sit (If currently sitting). Pikachu - Pikachu will also assist with Jim with raid leading and will primarily handle Ranged DPS Strategy. Mastric - Mastric will handle administrative tasks such as server issues, loot distribution, roster issues, spreadsheet issues, etc. Talk to him for pretty much any loot issues or anything outside of raid. Most veterans will realize that ATR typically runs with more officers than this. We are always looking for the right people to share the burden of leadership. In ATR, officers are leaders before they are officers. If you are interested in becoming an officer, just step up and be a leader for your peers. The rest will fall into place.
  12. I thought I was maining DPS this tier and off speccing Healer, http://www.atremains.com/forums/topic/3224-warlords-raiding/says so in Fatty's post We want you to play the spec you want to play, but we also have to keep raid balance in mind. If you REALLY want to go melee only, we can try to make that happen. Either way, you'll be offspec one or the other. Same thing with me. The healers are a big question mark right now. Let's see how this week goes and we'll have more info then. You talked to me about wanting to make this your offspec. I misunderstood our conversation. I will remove you for now. Let me know if you get geared up and familiar and whatnot.
  13. Yes you can. Say it's a 670 ilvl item with shity stats for you but still a minor upgrade due to ilvl. You roll on it and win it. You now have a 670 item in that slot and would normally not be able to roll mainspec on your 670 dream item but this is one of the occasions where you can speak to the officers and possibly get an exception for being able to roll mainspec on your dream item since you rolled minor upgrade for your current piece. This will not happen as often as you think though. Each category has a higher priority than the one to the right. Somebody could have 100 EP and you could have 10,000 but if they roll mainspec on that item and you roll minor upgrade, they will win the item. It won't happen often that you'll roll minor upgrade on an item that's a higher ilvl and proceed to win the item unless we're actively farming the boss and you're behind in gear. If you're able to win one item on a minor upgrade roll, you got a chance to win another item in the slot with another minor upgrade roll. It's your choice as to whether to bid minor upgrade on items to target your mainspec bids at items which are geared more ideally for your spec. You will win fewer items and naturally have more buying power on mainspec bids for better itemized items, both from being able to roll mainspec, and from having higher EP. This system won't give you quite as much buying power as DKP but will still let you target which items are best for your class. Edit: We will NOT guarantee that we will grant an exception if you roll minor upgrade on half your shit just to get BiS stuff when it drops. So keep that in mind when you roll. Again, the point is to gear the raid, not just one guy's toon with BiS stuff.
  14. Current List of Approved Offspec Players: Ftfk - Healer Offspec Lyntha - Healer Offspec Muln - Healer Offspec Mythosaur - Tank Offspec Criteria to be an approved offspec player: Ability to perform their offspec role at the same performance level as their mainspec role Willingness to keep their offspec gear properly enchanted/gemmed etc Willingness to perform their offspec role for as long as possible whenever asked 90%+ attendance over a rolling 5-week period Needed offspec role not already fulfilled by existing roster
  15. We are using EPGP for this raid tier and there will be some adjustment for everyone. First, let's start with the addons you'll need! EPGP Lootmaster: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/epgp_lootmaster This addon is MANDATORY and is what causes the loot popup window and how you actually win items. If you don't have this, you won't get any loot! EPGP (DKP Reloaded): http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/epgp-dkp-reloaded This addon is OPTIONAL and just allows you to see your own EP and that of others. Most people won't need this but feel free to download it if you want. When an item comes up for bid, you will see a popup window similar to what's below: You pretty much just click the appropriate button for the specific piece of loot. There will be 5 buttons to click: MainSpec: You click this for an item which is a mainspec UPGRADE, meaning it's a higher iLVL item than what you currently have. Unless specifically granted an exception by the officers, nobody is allowed to roll mainspec for an item of equivalent or lower item level to a piece they already have. We understand that some items are better itemized for your class than others, but our interest is in gearing the whole raid, not just you. Something that is a 15 ilvl upgrade for one person is a bigger raid performance increase than an item that's a 0 ilvl upgrade for another. Items won via a Main Spec bid cost 100% of their normal GP value Minor Upgrade: You click this for an item which is an upgrade for your Main Spec, but isn't as big of an upgrade as a main spec item. Any sidegrades, minor upgrades, etc will fall into this category. This is the button you would use to roll on something that's equivalent itemlevel to a piece you already have but with better itemization. Items won via a Minor Upgrade bid cost 10% of their normal GP value Offspec: You click this for an item which is an upgrade for your offspec. Only approved offspec players can use this functionality. If you are currently not listed as an approved offspec player and would like to be, talk to the officers. Items won via an Offspec bid cost 0% of their normal GP value Trade for Shard: The fourth button is the catch-all for anything else not covered above. If you want an item for transmog use only or for a non-approved offspec, you click this item. All items won via this method will require a shard to be given to the guild bank to keep the flow of epic crystals flowing for those sweet sweet enchants. Items won via a Trade for Shard bid cost 0% of their normal GP value Pass: Pretty self-explanatory. All items completely passed on will be DE'd and the shards will be sent to the guild bank for free enchants. Any questions?
  16. I'd wait until later in the week. Then people will be much better geared from a week of spamming heroics.
  17. You're also 18 ilvls behind what you could be. It's probably just harder because of that.
  18. Two more things - CM's will scale gear down to 630, so they're designed for you to be in all heroic gear or better. It's a good idea to aim for a full set before trying to get CM golds. If you're just going for CM bronze, you could probably do it with mostly normal-mode gear. Also, the LFR for molten core is supposed to start this next reset and you get an epic helm item from doing it.
  19. I am going to try to put together a group to kill world bosses tonight at 7:30PM, Be on if you can.
  20. I will be 100 by the end of the day today then will be ready for normals/heroics Tuesday. My goal is to be able to do challenge modes by this weekend.
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